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Your P.O.V

'Do you like my cat'

The cat drawn on the side of the stickynote was less of a cat and more of a smiley face with ears and whiskers. It didnt need to be signed for me to know who it was from. Heck it didn't even need to have handwriting on it and I woulf have known it was Garroth's art masterpiece.

I stared at it for a little while before i unzipped my bookbag that I had just finnished packing up. I took out a sticky note of my own and placed on my locker so I had a hard surface to write on.

'I'm more of a dog person' I wrote. I peeled it off my locker and turned the opposite way of the exit. I walked down the hall a short ways before I had to turn left. I walked past afew more lockers, passing no other students, as I made my way to Garroth's locker.

I passed it once by afew feet because I was to busy staring down the hall at Gene, who was talking to Sasha. For a long second I wondered if I had made a mistake lettinh Sasha into our friendgroup, and she was really just there because that's where Gene wanted her.

I successfully forgot about the thought as I opened up Garroths locker and placed the note in. His locker, other than a lone waterbottle, was completely clean. Much like his room which I always found odd was so clean.

I closed his locker and looked back over at Sahsa and Gene. Sasha's head was turned away from me so it was imposoble to tell how she was feeling. Gene on the other hand just smirked as he talked. Although that seemed to be his expression all the time. My feet made the decision to walk towards them before my head could. Gene clearly saw me because he looked up from Sahsa and made a disapointed face.

"What are you talking about?" I asked instantly. I took a step so I was side by side with Sasha, altough I only looked at Gene.

"What is it to you?" Gene asked already sounding annoyed.

"If you're bothering Sasha then it's alot to me." I answered.

"You know Y/N I didn't have a reason to hate you before but I think now I do. I mean no one else in your friend group would have ever wanted Sasha to join you-"

"That's not true." I said instantly.

"Or was it Laurance. He's the only other one whose ever even given her the time of day, and he does seem to think he can get anything he wants." Gene said.

"We all like Sasha. Just because we don't like you doesn't mean anything." The scentence was mostly true. I wasnt exactly sure how any of my friends really felt about her. She had only just sat with us at a game and today at lunch. And Dante was the only one to object and say that she was like Gene. Which was a little bit surprising considering Dante and Gene are brothers and he had probably come in contact with Sasha afew times.

"Just leave it alone Y/N he's just being nosey." Sasha didn't sound angry. Her voice was monotone and soothing like usual.

"You can act like you don't care what I say but you know I'm right. They don't like you. You can go be a whore if you want to, and go get laid by Laurance but you're not going to crawl back to me after Laurance ignores your ass." Gene said, although for some reason I felt like he was wrong. And he would let Sasha come back to him if she wanted to.

Sasha looked at Gene like he had just said something completely irrelevant that made no sense. She didn't look angry at all just slightly confused. Sasha might not have looked angry, but I'm sure you could see on my face that I was. I felt more angry than if Gene had just called me a whore.

Sasha turned to walk away but I stood still glaring up at Gene. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Maybe she would just rather be friends with people who actually want to hang out with her instead of you. Or maybe she would rather be friends with some girls instead of two toxic guys who are constantly in her privacy, touching her, and are just genuinely uncomfortable to be around."

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