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Your P.O.V

I stepped out of line deciding not to get food after all. I wasn't really hungry in the first place I just needed to do something other than sit in my own thoughts. After being confronted by Gene the only thing I could let myself do was go and see Garroth. I slipped into the girls room and grabbed a key card off of the night stand. I wasn't exactly sure why but within an hour of having the cards Cadenza forced the guys to give us one of theirs and in return they had one of ours.

I stepped out of our room and began walking down the seemingly endless hallway. The boys room was nearly the full lengths of the building away, as all of the boys rooms were. I supposed this was a precaution to try and keep us away from eachother although I doubt it was working.

I slid the card in and pushed the handle down as I heard the beeps indicating it had unlocked. Garroth was the only one in the room, I had expected this. The lights were on but he had his face mostly in a pillow and his arm over his eyes.

"Go away." He mumbled, without looking up.

I ignored him and assumed he thought I was one of the guys. I slid my sandals off at the entrance and took the few steps I needed to get to the side of the bed. I lifted the covers off the bed, off of him, and into the air until he removed his arm from his eyes and looked up at me.

"Oh, hi Y/N." He said. He layed an arm out in the bed where I just removed the blanket.

I slid into bed next to him keeping in mind that my hair was wet and he wouldn't enjoy touching it. Aperantly he hadn't minded because Garroth turned me around and pulled me tight up against him so we were spooning.

"Are you mad at me?" Garroth asked.

"No." I sighed. I couldn't decide if I had answered completely truthfully or if his saddened tone had affected my answer.

"I didn't do anything with Ivy, I promise. I wouldn't do that to you." He said, which I knew was true.

"I know, Gar. I don't get why you'd even go with her." I said. I reached one arm back and ran my fingers through the back of his hair.

"Cause I'm a nice person. Just cause I don't like her doesn't mean I'll ignore her." Garroth whined.

"I know you are." I said sounding only slightly like a mother.

"So you're not mad at me?" He asked.

"Not as mad as Cadenza." I said laughing slightly.

"That's alright. I don't mind getting yelled at by Cadenza when she's in her swimsuit." Garroth said.

I removed my hand from his head and turned my body towards him, shifting up onto my elbow. He looked up at me as I did this until I hit the top of his head with my palm, making him cover his face with his hands.

"What the hell?" I asked more surprised than anything.

"Ow, I was just joking." Garroth mumbled although he laughed after he said it.

"No you weren't." I said narrowing my eyebrows at him even though he wasn't looking and was still covering his face.

"No I wasn't." Garroth repeated me before laughing again. "Don't hit me."

I hit him again anyways, this time in the chest.

Garroth uncovered his face and held his arms out to me. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me down.

He wrapped his arm and a leg around me, giving me barely any room to move.

"You still love me." He said. He didn't remove his grip from me but he did lean down and kiss my lips.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora