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Your P.O.V

I walked to lunch much slower than usual. I've been dreading lunch all day, who will I sit with. I can't sit with Katelyn and the others, I abandoned them when I suddenly broke up with Garroth. Sitting alone is the last thing I want to do, but is it really better than sitting with Gene and his gang. I came to a halt when I entered the cafeteria. I sighed as I looked around knowing I wouldn't be welcomed into anyone's friend group.

"Come with me." His voice was smooth but unsettling as Gene wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He looked down at me as if looking for a reaction.

"Don't touch me." I said pushing his arm off me and walking towards Gene's normal table. I sat down in the opposite side of Sasha and Zenix, who both looked at me like it was a normal thing for me being here.

"Oh come on don't be like that." Gene sat down next to me leaning his arm on the table.
I said nothing.

"You don't know me, you just know all the things your friends have told you about me. There's no reason to give me the silent treatment, I'm a good person."

"Your blackmailing me." I whisper yelled for some reason scared of what people would think.

"Am I." He asked shrugging his shoulders.

"Yes, yes you are. I know you aren't a good person so you can save it." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

I turned away from Gene frustrated that he doesn't understand what he's doing to me. Sasha and Zenix looked at me like I was an exotic animal, most likely because no one normally talks back to Gene. But it didn't matter because the bell rang before anyone said anything else, for anyone else in my position hearing the bell would be a relief. But for me it's different because, social studies is about to be one of my least favorite classes.

When I walked into class Garroth was already there, he looked away from me breaking my heart a little. I sat down next to him not saying a word. Everyone began quieting down as our teacher started giving us a lecture about doing our homework, and then he gave us homework.

Of coarse me being me and struggling with social studies, I got stuck on the first question. I can't ask Garroth for help, that's off the table. So even when the teacher left the room I stayed quiet.

"Did I do something." It was Garroth, I didn't expect him to say anything to me. I assumed he hated me, which if I'm being honest he probably does.

"What?" I asked almost unsure if he actually said something.

"I just thought we were doing fine, so maybe I was the one who ruined it." He didn't look at me while he talked, he stared at his computer as if it weren't even there.

"What, no, you didn't do anything." I said my voice becoming quiet. He looked down towards his keyboard like he was starting to work again. I took this as a sign and I started working again.


P.E. might be hard to get through because of the amount of people I can't talk to anymore, but I still find it more bearable than Social Studies. My initial thought was that I'd be standing alone with no one to talk to, that was before I realized that Sasha is in this class. She stood alone looking across the gym lost in space. I had never realised she was in this class, but that might be because I normally have so many friends in this class I don't need to worry about anybody else. I walked over to her not expecting either of us to start up a conversation.

"Gene isn't actually that bad." Sasha said as soon as she realised I had decided to stand by her.

"Well he isn't blackmailing you." I said not caring what information I told her that would eventually get back to Gene.

"No, but he's a good person if you haven't done anything to him." Sasha said she turned to me as she talked, her deep purple eyes staring right into my eyes.

"Well I haven't done anything to him." I said crossing my arms.

"No but him and Garroth don't get along. Don't ask me why because I don't know. But he also thinks you're pretty." Sasha said. She motioned for me to start walking with her. As I looked around I saw everyone had begun grabbing things for free

"Well that doesn't exactly give him the right to blackmail me." I said surprised that a girl would be taking his side.

"No it doesn't and your right, but you might as well try to make the most of it." Sasha said, her voice was low and cold but I got the hint that that's how she always sounds.

"I don't think there's much good in my situation." I said.

"You have Gene's undivided attention, and he'll get you anything you want. To his ability that is." Sasha said.

"What I want is to be out of this mess." I said only half audible.

"That's the way Gene is, he's always trying to please people," Sasha said ignoring what I said, "his problem is he pleases people and then uses them to get what he wants." I nodded listening to everything Sasha had said very closely.

"Are you and Zenix dating." I asked thinking back to the day Gene tried to hit on me but Garroth told him off saying "she was trying to get away from your abusive ass."

"Zenix, no, he's kinda cute but he's an ass. I might hang around him and Gene but they're both dicks." Sasha said.

"Why don't you hang out with anyone else?" I asked.

"I don't know, we've been friends so long it would be weird if I stopped hanging out with them, and everybody else thinks I'm a bad person." Sasha said. I stayed silent knowing that what she's saying is probably true, we walked until the bell rang which was definitely a sigh of relief.

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