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Your P.O.V

After school I met with Marcus in front of the school. I would drive myself but I don't have a car to do that. We got into his car and we started driving home.

"How was your day?" Marcus asked.

"Good." I answered smiling at him.

"Did you talk to any guys?" Marcus asked. Marcus despises the idea of me dating anyone for a reason I don't really know. Most likely because he thinks it's a botherly thing to do which, in his head,  makes him a better person

"No Marcus I ignored every guy in the school." I answered rolling my eyes.

"What's his name. " Marcus asked ignoring what I had just said.

"I'm not telling you and for the record I talked to a lot of guys. They're Katelyn's friends." I said.

"That's extremely unfair. You already have a friend here who has tons of friends. So your already popular and will definitely get a date whk will definitely use you, by the way." Marcus stated holding his ponter finger in the air.

"You'll make friends, nd when I get a boyfriend you can be friends with him." I joked.

"No I don't want to be friends with your boyfriend. You don't need one and that's weird." Marcus said.

"I have lots of friends that are girls." I joked again.

"I'm not going to date one of your friends Y/N that's weird too. " Marcus said.

"Whatever you say." I laughed.

I opened the car door as Marcus stopped the car in our driveway. Marcus got out just a second later, slaming the car door shut, and joging up tot he front door.

"HONEY IM HOME! " Marcus yelled as he walked inside.

"There's no one here diptwit." I said. I ran up to my new room. It was prettu much empty other than a bed, TV, and my closet which had been filled with clothes. I would add more later but it's not on my current list of priorities. After hours of what was mostly just sitting and watching TV, Marcus called to me from downstairs.

"Y/N wanna help me make dinner." He yelled.

"Mac and Cheese" We yelled at the same time. Whenever we are to lazy to make something that requires any level of skill we make Mac and Cheese, so we make Mac and Cheese often.

My phone lit up as Marcus and I sat on the couch eating. Marcus looked at me as he held a fork full of Mac and Cheese up to his mouth. I grabbed my phone off of the table and looked at it, seeing a text message from Katelyn.

'You got the hottest guy in schools number and you decided you didn't need to tell me.' I read Katelyn's messate in message in my head and rolled my eyes.

'Katelyn you have a boyfriend.' I responded.

'And Garroth's like a brother to me but that doesn't make him not smoking hot.' Katelyn replied

'It's only for Social Studies.' I said answering her first question.

'You're partners thats so cute.' Katelyn said.

'No' I replied.

'Stop it' I said not caring that I just double texted her.

'Fine but this is good for yoir relationship.' Katelyn said most definently very pleased.

'There is no relationship. We don't know eachother.' I said.

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