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Garroth's P.O.V

"What time is it," Mrs Franklin, the P.E teacher, asked. "You better get going. Thanks for helping, I'll have to give you extra credit."

"No it's alright." I said knowing full well that I already have a hundred in P.E. I set the thick padded mat down on the stage carefully and jumped off the stage.

"Be quick when you change, wouldn't want the janitors to lock you in the locker room." Mrs Franklin said.

"Yeah alright, I'll be fast." I said running out of the small gym, through a small storage hallway and into the main gym.

I pushed the large, heavy, doors open walked onto the locker room. The smell of urine and sweat had been drowned out from the smell of smoke. My nose crinkled from a mixture of confusion and from disgust. I looked around to see Gene staring back at me just as confused as I was, though he probably wasn't confused about the smell. He looked away from me and continued to change into his normal clothes. I looked at the clock, the bell rang almost 10 minutes ago, how long does it take to smoke and then get out of here? I ignored him and opened my locker,changing quickly like Mrs Franklin had asked, but I stopped when I herd the toilet flush and Zenix walk around the corner of the locker room stall. Zenix payed no attention to me or Gene but instead walked to a different wall where he began opening his locker. There was a moment of silence before Zenix spoke.

"So I've been wondering, you actually have some picture to get Y/N to hang out with you." Zenix asked casually, still clearly not knowing that I was in the room. Gene instantly looked at me where we locked eyes for seconds before he attempted to glance down without me knowing. I followed his gaze to find his phone, sitting on the open bench. We both reached for it but I beat him to it, making him curse under his breathe. Zenix turned, saw me, and instantly cursed out loud instead of under his breathe.

"What picture?" I asked standing up straight and holding his phone away from him.

"There is no picture, I don't know what he's talking about." Gene said, coming towards me and reaching for his phone. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back a step.

"What picture?" I asked again.

"There is no picture ok." Gene said grabbing for his phone one more time. Again I pushed him away.

"Tell me what picture." I said this time putting the phone near my chest holding it with both hands, no case, what an idiot.

"I told you, there is no picture." Gene said his voice going low. I pushed as hard as possible in opposite directions until I could hear the screen protector begin to crack. Gene instantly herd it crack, and knew what I was doing. "Are you mental? Give me my phone!" He yelled.

"Then tell me what picture." I said my voice getting louder. Pieces of the screen protector were starting to fall off and some stuck out like tree limbs, jabbing me in the hand.

"Why does it matter if there's a picture," Gene yelled "your not getting her back." Worry started to slip through his voice no matter how loud he yelled.

This time I pushed as hard as I could making the real screen pop this time. It snapped into an angle making glass all throughout it stick up. It stabbed and pinched the skin on my right hand but I didn't stop. The phone folded so it's back was touching it's back and the screen was flat to my hand. Jagged edges stuck out and cut into the muscle of my palm. Satisfied that the phone wouldn't be turning on, I dropped it and ran, using my whole body to push the doors open.

Your P.O.V

Three weeks and three days since I was stuck sitting with Gene. I've had eight softball games since then. Gene came to six but only after he realised that Garroth was coming to all of them. I hadn't noticed Garroth at first, but I think that was the point. Garroth tilts his computer so I can cheat off of him during social studies, I don't do it but I think it's sweet. It makes me wonder if maybe he wasn't mad at me at all and was trying to get me to talk to him again. Which makes me think I did the wrong thing when I broke up with Garroth instead of telling him.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now