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Your P.O.V

"Get up."

I sat on the ground, my legs straight out and body straight up while my feet were still stuck in the bindings of the snowboard. I looked up at Garroth who was holding his hands out to me. It wasn't very cold out and with the layers of pants I had on I couldn't yet feel the snow underneath me.

"I cannot." I said.

The sun was bright but it didn't faze me at all because of the sunglasses I stole out of Garroth's duffle bag before we had even left to go snowboarding. Katelyn kept calling them pit vipers as I walked around indoors with them on, but they weren't.

"Yes, you can." Garroth said, he laughed a little bit.

I held my hands out and let him take them. I let him pull me back up, making him do all the work to lift me. The snowboard underneath me dug into the snow, one side sticking up instead of laying flat.

"What are you doing? Stop that." Garroth pointed towards my feet but held onto onto one of my hands with his other hand.

I pushed down with the front of my feet making the snowboard lay flat on the ground. It had only caused the board to dig itself a little hole in the snow.

"How are you even doing this to yourself?" Garroth asked.

He moved his hands away from me which worried me for only a second because he then placed his hands on my waist. He lifted me just slightly of the ground and pushed me over to the side out of the small hole. Garroth was able to move effortlessly as if he just had to think about the board moving and it would. He scooted himself over and back infront of me. I grabbed onto his fingers as he held both his hands up to me.

"Don't stand like that." Garroth laughed to himself as he was looking down at my legs.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Do you normally stand with your knees all locked up?" Garroth asked. He looked up st my face.

"I don't know, probably." I said. I hadn't noticed myself standing any different than normal but that was probably because of the nerves.

"I'll keep that in mind and remember to fold you next time your standing." Garroth said, he sounded serious but I hoped be was joking.

Without another word I watched Laurance slide just behind Garroth and then stop so smoothly I questioned if he had walked. He stared at the back of Garroth's head so intently I figured he might have actually not noticed me.

"Yeah over a table." Laurance said, clearly having heard what Garroth just said and nothing else.

Garroth turned and looked back at Laurance who bit his bottom lip and put his hand up to his chin in the form of a check mark. Garroth didn't say anything, instead he reached over to Laurance, having to turn his waist around in order to do so, and grabbed Laurance's beanie before he decided to throw it.

"Hey, that wasn't cool." Laurance pouted.

"Wanna know what else isn't cool?" I asked making both Garroth and Laurance look at me.

"The fact that your the only person above the age of ten on the juniors hill?" Laurance asked, which was the exact fact I was about to bring up.

"Yes, exactly." I said making my eyes go from Laurance to Garroth even though neither of them could see it through the sunglasses.

"It's fine." Garroth said, and he gave me his 'really' look. Which I don't think I did anything to deserve.

"Yeah you might break your neck trying to go down the bigger hills- which would actually be pretty funny. Cadenza does that sometimes, it's like a cartwheel but without arms and much less majestic." Laurance said.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now