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Your P.O.V

I wiped the tears off of my face as I exited the bathroom. I wasn't exactly sure why I had started crying, or when I did. I guess I didn't need a reason, and just being reminded of what happened with Ivy had sent my brain into emotional shock. I suppose my body had needed to cry after sitting silently and listening to Cadenza yell at Garroth instead of confronting him myself.

I sat down next to Garroth sitting criss cross apple sauce. I didn't look back at him, mostly due to embarrassment. I leaned back onto him partially. He noticed my wet face immediately. He didn't say anything for a moment but I knew he was looking at me, and I was not looking at him.

"Bad pee?" He asked quietly.

I nodded.

"Yeah, that happens sometimes." He said, I could still feel his eyes on me but I didnt look at him. "Do you want to go on a walk?"

I nodded.

Garroth made a sound as he got up, reminding me of an old man. Although I didn't tell him that. Less than two feet away from the blanket where we sat Garroth placed his hands on either side of my rib cage and picked me up as if I were a small dog. He turned me in his arms easily as if I weighed nothing and slipped his arms underneith me until I layed in his arms bridal style. I didn't want to be picked up at the moment but I let it happen and layed there silently with my head leaned against his chest.

He walked across the lobby and took his hand off of me for a brief second to push a door open. I felt a cool breeze hit my skin and I closed my eyes until I heard the door shut again. Garroth lowered his arm that held my feet until I felt them hit the ground. I took a step away from him as my feet hit the ground but Garroth had his arms back around me instantly, pulling back towards him.

"Come here, what's upsetting you?" He asked.

I walked towards him a step and held my face in his chest.

My head ached from crying.

"You." I said flatly.

"I am? I'm upsetting you?" He asked softly. He had both of his hands on the back of my head, running his fingers through my hair softly.

The cold seeped from the concrete through my socks and although I could feel goosebumps rise on my arms I didn't do anything about it.

"Yes, well no, yes." My words came out as mumbles. Truthfully I was more angry at Ivy, but had no way to take it out on her.

"Y/N I told you-" He cut himself off, "I thought we were okay."

"I still dont get why you would ever go with her." I said, my tone coming out unintentionally sassy.

"I don't know I just did. I can't take it back now so you have to give me a way to fix it instead of getting upset with me." He said.

I moved my head and layed the side of it against Garroth's chest instead of the front.

"Well you know she's got a freaky obsession with you so-"

"Y/N," Garroth laughed, which confused me. "you aren't angry with me at all. You're mad at Ivy."

I removed my head from his chest and looked up at him. He smirked down at me placing his palm on my cheek.

"It's weird." I said instantly glaring at him.

"I know," Garroth laughed, "Don't give Ivy the time of day."

"I just had a conversation in the bathroom with her about how your the sweetest person in the world and you always know how to cheer her up." I glared at him as I made my voice higher to mimick hers.

"And that's why you're crying?" Garroth raised an eyebrow at me.

He hadn't seen me cry, but aperantly I was visibly upset. His comment hurt my heart just slightly.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Don't let that bother you. If you wanna be mad at me for going with Ivy, fine. But don't get worked up over Ivy, it isn't worth it. Kay?" He asked. He leaned down for a moment and kissed my forehead. I wiped his kiss away with a closed fist and looked up to meet his eyes.

"Kay." I said.

We sat down silently, no one else in the group said a word about anything. I was fairly sure most of them hadn't even noticed we left.


"Where'd you and Garroth go. To makout." Katelyn said it as a statement rather than a question.

So I had been wrong.

"Yeah something like that." I said.

It was nearly 12 and we were all getting ready for bed only because we would have to leave sometime tomorrow morning.

"At least you decided to leave the room." Nicole said. Katelyn and I both looked up to see her glaring over at Cadenza, who's monotone expression didn't change.

"What?" Katelyn asked.

"Come on, don't tell me you didn't hear Cadenza smacking lips with Dante." Nicole crossed her arms and looked at us.

I watched Katelyns expression change to instant surprise, as did mine. Aperantly neither of us had noticed.

"What?" Cadenza asked, "Laurance was asleep so there was no one there to stop me." Cadenza said as if that was an excuse.

"I would have stopped you!" Katelyn said instantly.

"Oh no you wouldn't have." Cadenza laughed.

"Nicole, why didn't you stop her? What the heck." Katelyn asked.

"Dante would have yelled at me. And it would have been awkward." Nicole stated.

"Suck it up, Dante yells at everyone." Katelyn said glaring at Nicole, although if she wanted to glare at anyone it should have been at Cadenza.

"Stop talking about it. Ask Y/N about how great of a kisser Garroth is." Cadenza was in the middle of laying down and pulling the covers around her in the bed the two of us shared. I sighed as if it had become and instinct.

"We weren't making out. He pulled me out there because I was crying." I said to save any future questions.

"What. Why were you crying?" Nicole asked, her voice coming out much more saddened then she needed to be.

"Just, everything." I sighed.

"With Ivy?" Katelyn asked.

"Yeah." I answered simply.

"Are you fighting?" Katelyn asked.

Cadenza hadn't said anything so I assumed she had already found a way to fall asleep.

"I don't know. Not really." I said.

"You aren't mad at him at all?" Katelyn sounded more shocked than she needed to be.

"I guess I am, but Ivy's half to blame. And Garroth told me I shouldn't be mad at Ivy because it isn't worth the time and if I wanna be upset be upset at him." I explained.

"That's gotta be like, gaslighting, or something." Katelyn muttered.

"Do you know what gaslighting is?" Nicole laughed.

"Garroth's just too nice to be real."

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now