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Your P.O.V

Walking slow to lunch seems pointless even if I'm going somewhere I'd rather not be. I sat down across from Sasha and next to Gene only because I knew that what he wanted. Gene stared down at his phone doing who knows what, while Sasha minded her own business eating her food.

"Where's Zenix." Sasha asked as if I would know because I just sat down.

"Who knows." Gene said before I got the chance to tell her I didn't know. No one said anything for what seemed like an eternity until I decided to try to make the best of a horrible situation, and ask some questions.

"Why don't you sit with Dante and hang out with his friends?" I asked turning towards Gene. He looked at me like he had just woken up and that I shouldn't have woken him up.

"Why would I, just because we're related doesn't mean we have to have the same friends." Gene said.

"Well you haven't really made the best reputation for your friend group." I said hearing Sasha snicker as I talked.

"Says who, Prince Charming, the people you called your friends don't know the first thing about me." Gene said he raised his voice only slightly so that only Sasha and I would notice.

"Well they know your a jerk, and you take advantage of people." I said.

"I'm just trying to survive this stupid school, if I drag someone down that's their own fault." Gene said. My jaw physically dropped.

"What the heck does that mean. This is school not the hunger games." I said gaping at him.

"I don't want to be apart of all the drama and shit, I'm not here to make friends."

"Well you don't do a very good job of staying out of drama do you." I remarked.

"That's all on your friends, not me." Gene said putting his hand onto my knee and staring into my eyes.

I pushed his arm away from me having to use all of my strength to move his hand. "I didn't say you could touch me." I said.

"I don't think your the one who gets to make the decisions." Gene said. He held his phone up taping the side of it with his finger.

I blew air out of my nose so hard it was probably audible. Turning around frustrated I looked towards the door instantly noticing Trevor, a baseball player, race through the door as fast as he could. His sneakers skidded across the cafeteria tile making a loud screeching noise. He sat down backwards pushing Garroth as he aggressively pushed his way in between Garroth and Laurance. They talked for a few seconds before they both got up and sprinted out of the cafeteria.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sasha asked clearly having just seen what I saw.

"That Zenix is being a moron." Gene sighed before he and Sahsa both stood up. Confused I stood up as well and followed them out the door. Gene began running as we got into the hallway and Sasha sped up only slightly. I stayed behind with Sasha.

"What's going on." I asked only a little louder than a whisper.

"Zenix probably started a fight." Sasha said.

"Well why does that involve Garroth." I asked.

"I don't know, I guess we'll find out won't we." Sasha said.

Turning the corner and looking all most all the way down the hallway it was easy to see that Garroth had Zenix pinned against the lockers. Which sadly, didn't surprise me. It seemed like it was all for nothing until I looked to the other side of the hallway seeing Vylad holding his nose that had blood streaming out of it.

"Alright shows over can you put him down now." Gene said. Garroth pushed Zenix behind him making him fall on the floor and then scatter back onto his feet.

"Then tell him to keep his hands off of my brother." Garroth said. He wasn't loud but you can always tell when he's mad and he means what he says.

"Come on moron." Gene hissed at Zenix pulling him to walk back to the cafeteria. Sasha raised her eyebrows at me and motioned for me to walk with her. We walked back completely silent making the noise of the cafeteria a relief. Gene slapped Zenix in the head as he sat down.

"What's wrong with you, what was that about." Gene yelled.

"He was getting under my skin, he kept asking about her." Zenix mumbled motion in towards me.

"You idiot." Gene sighed shaking his head.


"Hurry up you take forever to tie your shoes." Ellie whined as I attempted to tie my shoes faster.

"Just wait." I said rolling my eyes as I picked up my softball bag and my book bag, I put one bag over my back and the other over my stomach.

"I'll race you outside." Ellie said jumping in the air and then darting out of the locker room.

"No." I whined running after her.

"I beat you." Ellie said when I reached the door.

"I wonder why." I sighed as I walked out the door with her heading to the park for our game.

"I herd about you and Garroth, I'm sorry." Ellie said her voice instantly less peppy.

"It's alright." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"He's an asshole anyway." Ellie said.

"He really isn't." I said watching my feet as I walked.

"Then why'd you break up with him." Ellie asked slowly. Which was a valid question.

"It's a long story." I said knowing I can't tell her.

"Why are you hanging out with Gene now. Not that it's any of my business. I just wouldn't hang out with him." Ellie said. I stayed silent not knowing what to say.

"Why don't you sit with me at lunch tomorrow." Ellie said.

"I can't." I said wanting to be done talking.


I packed up my softball things without talking to anyone else. We won 13-6, one of our best wins yet. But it doesn't matter how much we win by if Garroth isn't there to kiss me on the forehead and tell me how good I did. And Laurance isn't there to make fun of Garroth, or any of my other friends aren't there just because they want to see me. Well there's Marcus, he's never made much of an effort to make it to my games. Which makes me wonder why he even came. I climbed into his car and glared at him.

"Why are you here." I asked.

"What I'm not allowed to come watch your games." Marcus asked. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I felt bad none of your friends would come just because you broke up with that rando." Marcus said.

"You know his name." I said shutting the car door.

"Well I'd prefer not to say it, like Voldemort." Marcus said putting up his pointer finger.

"Ok," I said slowly, "where is this going."

"I got you chocolate." Marcus said pulling a bag of Hershey kisses out of the door compartment.

"Why?" I half asked half laughed.

"I don't know. So you won't be sad." Marcus said.

"Thank you, that's sweet." I said giving my brother a hug.

I know the last few chapters have been short but I'm trying to get them out quicker than usual so I'm not leaving you guys waiting. Also we hit 400 votes and that's literally so huge for me I never thought anyone would read my stuff. Also another note, I released a new book that has nothing to do with MCD it's just a book I'm writing for class but if you'd like to check it out please do.

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