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Your P.O.V

"Uh no. Get up." Laurance stopped in his tracks holding up everyone behind him who was trying to get into a bus seat. Dante, who had sat down by Cadenza, was looking up at him.

"Uh no." Dante said. He made a motion with one hand telling Laurnace to leave.

Laurance rolled his neck until he looked over at Garroth who was sitting next to me and across from Cadenza and Dante. Garroth smiled up at Laurance before Laurance rolled his eyes and walked past our seat to sit behind us. Lucinda was pushing him as he walked most definently wanting him to walk faster.

I looked over at Garroth who for a moment was watching Laurance before he looked back towards me as if he felt my eyes on him.

"What time did you go to bed?" He asked. Even though I couldn't see myself I was pretty sure he looked more exhausted than me.

"Like 12." I said, "hey did you see those two making out last night?" I lowered my voice and motioned one hand behind me towards Dante and Cadenza.

"No," Garroth smirked, "not surprised though."

"Why?" I asked, although I'm pretty sure I already knew the answer.

"Cause Laurance was knocked out and that's just something Dante would do." Garroth said.

"I think it was more Cadenza." I said honestly.

"Either way, Dante's not one to turn down a makeout session." Garroth said raising his eyebrows at me.

"What about you?" I asked returning back to the earlier conversation. Garroth waited a moment before he answered.

"Well I wouldnt either." He said slowly.

"No," I laughed to myself instantly knowing he misunderstood me, "I mean what time did you go to bed."

Garroth shifted in his seat.

"No I knew that- I knew that's what you meant." He said, rubbing one side of his face with his hand.

"No you didn't." I laughed and reached out for Garroths hands. He gave me one of them, intertwining our fingers while still holding our hands up in the air infront of us.

"No, I didnt." He sighed before laughing.

"But what time did you go to sleep?" I asked again a smile still stuck on my face.

"Uh, like 4am." He said slightly hesitant.

I was slightly shocked even though I new I shouldnt have been. I thought the guys would have been smart enough to go to bed sooner considering they knew full well we would be leaving in the morning.

"Why'd you guys go to bed so late?" I asked, I had really meant to ask what they were doing that kept them up so late but this worked too.

"They didn't, it was just me." Garroth said, his voice monotone.

"Why were you up?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

He held onto my hand even as he put his hand down onto his knee which was laying flat on its side. Garroth shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep." He said.


"He's gonna get scoliosis sleeping like that." Sasha stated.

She was referring to Garroth who was sitting what looked to be very uncomfortably. His hips were twisted and his chest was facing towards me while he had his head layed sideways on my shoulder. I sat close to him, listening to him breath. If it werent for the fact that he was snoring softly I would have thought he was just closing his eyes.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora