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"Will you sign this for me?" I asked.

Marcus took the paper from me without  looking up far enough to see my face. He took the paper from my hand and slapped it onto the table. He signed it as soon as he saw the line on the bottom.

"What's this for?" Marcus asked, he had already signed it so it was a little late to be asking now.

"Field trip to a ski lodge this weekend." I said I picked the paper up off the table and held it in my hands. I looked down at him as he sat in the couch.

"Seems like a good way to get knocked up." Marcus said, no sarcasm in his voice whatsoever. He looked up at me with his expression almost completely monotone. I scoffed at him.

"Probably for somebody." I said, I turned away from Marcus to start walking to the kitchen.

"So did they buy out this whole lodge or what?" Marcus asked, I heard him hop over the back of the couch with a thud and then follow behind me to the kitchen. I shrugged even though I wasn't looking at him.

"I don't know." I said.

"How many people stay in each room?" Marcus asked.

I turned around towards him as I walked around to the other side of the kitchen island. He stayed on the side opposite me.

"I don't know. Garroth told me girls and guys are seperate though, if that's what you were trying to get at." I said. I leaned on the granite island below me.

"I was just wondering," Marcus said, "you don't know how to ski. What are you even gonna do?"

"I don't know. Katelyn said not many of the girls ski anyway since they don't know how, but Garroth said he'd teach me how to snowboard." I said.

"Don't you need a snowboard then?" Marcus asked. I shrugged, not having thought about it before.

"Maybe that can be my excuse for Garroth." I said.

"You don't want him to teach you?" Marcus asked.

"Not really. I'm not gonna be good, and I'll get stuck on the bunny hill or whatever. And if Garroth's with me on the bunny hill then all his friends who know how to ski are doing the fun stuff." I said. There was also the fact that I feared I wouldn't even be able to stand up with the snowboard attached to my feet and it would end up being nothing but embarrassing.

"Well that's really selfless of you but I'm willing to bet Garroth wouldn't have offered if he would rather be hanging out with his guys friends." Marcus said which really made me want to hit him just because of how much he sounded like a parent.

"How would you know? You don't like Garroth nor do you ever talk to him." I laughed a little.

"First of all," Marcus started, "I have never told you I don't like Garroth. He got alright after awhile. Second of all, I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about hanging out with anyone else considering how much time he spends around you."

"But it's embarrassing." I said bringing up my last excuse.

"You could fall on your ass 50 times and it wouldn't be nearly as embarrassing as half the things you've probably said to the poor guy." Marcus said, he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Rude." I said.

"And also if I knew how to snowboard, which I don't, it would make me happy if my girlfriend let me teach her how." Marcus said. He lowered his head just slightly so he could look at me with his pupils at the tops of his eyes.

"What girlfriend?" I asked raising my eyebrows right back at him.



I sat with one leg raised, the other flat, with my back pressed against Garroth's chest and my head leaned to the side near his collar bone. Our bags were stuffed down below the seat in the most unorderly way possible.

Garroth held his phone infront of both of us, his hand balanced on my raised knee. We each had one earbud connected to his phone which was playing the angry bird movie. The bus was extremely quiet  compared to what it would normally be, which was surprising. Aperantly many people decided to try and take a nap for the three hour long drive, and others were talking normally instead of the usual yelling.

"Are you gonna go snowboarding or whatever right when we get there?" I asked.

"No probably not, why?" Garroth asked. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to the top of my head. I watched him move his thumb and pause the movie.

"Cause I was gonna come with." I said.

"Oh, you don't have to." Garroth said, but I felt his lips form into a smile.

"Marcus told me I should." I said, which was the truth.

"Why?" Garroth asked, he sounded like he was about to laugh about it.

"Cause it would make you happy." I said.

"I just wanna hang out with you Y/N." Garroth said.

"But I'll go with you." I said.

"I just wanna watch you eat the ground floor." He said.

"You're so mean to me lately." I turned my body away from his so I could turn and look him in the face, although I was being mostly sarcastic.

"Sorry." He laughed and then stuck his lips out for a kiss.

"No." I said narrowing my eyebrows at him and then moving into the position I was previously sitting in.

"Well that was mean." Garroth sighed.

"No it wasn't, you are." I said hooking my arm around his waist.

"Yeah and you don't even accept my apology kiss." Garroth said. I wasnt looking at his face but I'm willing to bet he dramatically rolled his eyes like the drama queen he is.

I propped my head up once again and kissed his cheek before looking back down again.

"There. Am I forgiven?" I asked.

"A little bit." He said.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now