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Your P.O.V

Hearing something, specifically a bed, creak and rock rapidly doesn't always lead your mind to a good place. My eyebrows furrowed out of cringe and I turned the corner out of the bathroom and into my room.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You're taking to long." Garroth said sitting up straight, satisfied that he got my attention.

"Says the guy who takes an hour to gel his hair." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well if you put to much it gets all shiny and crunchy." Garroth said scrunching his nose.

"What and you like it fluffy." I teased taking a step closer to him and running my fingers through his hair. Which by the way, is never crunchy, and is always soft.

"Snuggle." Garroth said his voice muffled as he buried his face in my stomach and put an arm around my waist. I crawled on my knees over his lap, to the other side of him where Garroth pulled me to lay down with him. Garroth kept his lips pressed to the side of my face even when he talked.

"What are we?" He asked only semi quietly.

"What?" I asked trying to determine if he said what I thought he did.

"What are we?" Garroth asked again.

"I don't know, friends." I said quietly.

"What if I don't wanna be friends?" Garroth asked. I moved my head away from him and laid so I was face to face with him.

"Fine, then don't be my friend." I joked.

"Will you be my girlfriend again?" Garroth whispered.

"I suppose." I joked tilting my head up and letting him kiss my lips.


"Please," I begged as I pulled Garroth's hand as hard as I could using all my weight, "don't go over there."

"I have to." Garroth laughed taking a step closer to me making me fall into the concrete.

"No you don't." I said grabbing up higher on his arm.

"Get up." Garroth said putting his other hand out to me to help me up. I shook my head no. "Come on what's the big deal."

"Nobody likes me anymore." I said hiding my face in my knees.

"That's not true." Garroth said.

"What like you didn't hate me." I said without looking at him.

"No I didn't hate you, I hated myself." Garroth said getting down onto my level and putting his arms under my legs, picking me up bridal style. He took a few steps towards our friends before I begged him to stop.

"Please just put me down and you can go talk to them yourself." I said.

"I'll put you down," Garroth said lowering my legs until my feet could touch the ground, "but your coming with me.

"Why? You can just tell them whatever you want for me." I said burying my face in Garroth's side.

"Just come with and I can tell everyone what happened." Garroth said kissing the top of my head.

"Fine." I mumbled

I stood behind Garroth as he talked to everyone in the group. I didn't listen to what he said but it didn't matter because he wouldn't say anything that I hadn't told him. When Garroth turned around I saw that everyone else had left, the bell had rang. Garroth put his hand on my cheek and I looked up at him.

"Have a good day, if not for you then for me." Garroth said.

"Kay." I said looking down. 


I walked into English class knowing that both Katelyn and Laurance were sitting in their normal seats. I had stopped sitting by them so it would be weird if I did, right? I walked past them with the intention to sit farther back but I stopped when Katelyn started talking to me.

"Y/N, just sit over here." She said almost too loud.

"Your not mad at me." I asked quietly hoping that it would make her lower her voice as well.

"No, there's nothing to be mad at you for. Gene blackmails people all the time, it's like his hobby, he did it to Aphmau last year. Huh Laurance?" Katelyn said turning to look at Laurence who was chewing the end of his pencil and looking off into space.

"Huh Laurance." Katelyn said a little bit louder this time. Laurance closed his eyes, clearly having heard her, and opened them again this time looking at Katelyn.

"What?" Laurance asked drowsily.

"Remember, last year, Gene blackmailing Aphmau." Katelyn said, both her eyebrows raised.

"What?" Laurance asked again.

"It was a picture of you how do you not remember?" Katelyn asked confusion and surprise traced all around her voice.

"Oh yeah." Laurance said smirking and then looking past Katelyn and I.

"He did that to Aphmau?" I asked knowing that Aphmau and Gene really hate each other but not knowing why.

"Yeah, I guess he somehow got a picture of Laurance and her kissing, and another picture of Garroth and her kissing." Katelyn said her eyes going from Laurance then back to me.

"Aphmau and Garroth kissed?" I asked genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, you didn't know that? You didn't hear it from me." Katelyn said turning away from me and looking forward as our teacher started talking.


I sat at the lunch table with everyone else like normal. Everyone acted like nothing happened, like I had never left the friend group. Which I appreciate but also find weird, because I most definitely did leave the friend group. So I sat there slightly out of place, not contributing to the conversation, but I can't complain because I just got out of a much worse situation.

I turned almost all the way around looking at the different tables, which made Garroth think I didn't want his arm around me and so he moved it. I stopped and looked at Gene's table for a reason I didn't know. Gene, who sat next to Zenix, was clearly yelling at Sasha. It was easy to see, even though it was to loud to hear anything, he might have been saying. I stared across the cafeteria trying to remember a time where Gene had yelled at Sasha. Maybe he only didn't yell at her then because I was there, he had to pretend to be somewhat of a good person. Sasha stood up, clearly crying, and walked out of the cafeteria. I stood up and followed her out of the cafeteria and to the bathroom. Sasha didn't bother going into a stall, she stood by the sink holding her hands to her eyes.

"What's wrong." I asked. She took a rough breath in unable to get any words out. "You can tell me."

"He just kept yelling at me, that it's my fault. And I have to do all this shit to you." Sasha said whipping her tears and smearing her mascara across her cheeks.

"You need to stop sitting by them." I said even though I know her answer.

"I can't, nobody else likes me." Sasha said with a few sniffles.

"I like you." I said truthfully, although I knew it wouldn't help.

"Well your friends don't." Sasha said making a good point as to why she wouldn't like sitting by me.

Before I could come up with something to say the bell, which was way to close to me, blasted saying that lunch was over. "We'll talk later." I said walking out of the bathroom with Sasha right behind me.

Garroth, who must've known I was in the bathroom, waited for me where the hallway begins to turn. "What's wrong?" He questioned as kids rushed past him.

"Nothing." I said as I began to lead him away from the bathrooms and towards our next class.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now