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Your P.O.V

"She's gonna say no." Katelyn said, she looked mildly annoyed.

"No she isn't, you just hate me." Dante spat. His hands were on his hips and he looked significantly more annoyed than Katelyn.

The talk of Dante asking Cadenza to prom seemed more like the talk of politics than it did prom. Although it was pretty much anyones guess if Cadenza would actually agree to go with Dante. Most of her answer depended on if he pissed her off within the next few weeks and if his promposal was adequate.

"Where are Laurance and Cadenza anyway?" Dante asked. Everyone was silent.

I elbowed Garroth, who was behind me, in the gut. He looked up from his phone startled.

"What?" He asked immediately.

"Where are Laurance and Cadenza?" I asked.

"Oh, I dont know." Garroth said. Normally Garroth would have known about anything that would affect Laurances life in any way. Garroth let himself fall back into his earlier more relaxed position. With his arms draped over my shoulders, phone in hand.

"His car was already here when I pulled in." Travis said.

"I'm calling Cadenza." Katelyn said.

"Why? They're probably already here." Travis laughed and glared down at Katelyn.

"Because I'm nosey." Katelyn said, her phone was already ringing.

It stopped in less than five rings.

"Hello?" Cadenza sounded confused, and rightfully so.

"Where are you?" Katelyn asked.

"Where am I?" Cadenza confirmed.


"Walking towards you right now." She said.

"Oh, okay." And she ended the call.

Sure enough after looking around we spotted Cadenza. She was all the way across the parking lot and walking towards us at what looked to me hundreds of miles per hour. She was alone which struck me as odd but I said nothing to the group.

"Laurance locked me in his truck." Cadenza exclaimed as soon as she was within ear shot of us. That has halfway explained why she was alone.

"What do you mean he locked you in his truck?" Garroth asked, he sounded confused but not surprised.

"He put the child lock on and left me in there. It took me awhile to get it open." Cadenza crossed her arms over her chest and let out a big puff of air.

"Where's he at." Travis asked.

"I don't know. Somewhere with Gene." Cadenza said, she didn't sound surprised about her statement but it had thrown everyone else off.

"What's he doing with Gene?" Dante laughed like it was funny.

"Hell do I know. He got out, Gene came up to him, and he locked me in his car." Cadenza huffed again now placing her hands on her hips.

I turned only my head back to look at Garroths expression. His positioning or stance hadn't changed but I figured his face would tell me whatever he was thinking. He looked more confused than anything but after a moment the look faded and he seemed to shake it off, or maybe he had just noticed me looking at him.

Within seconds the bell rang showing us just how late Cadenza really was, and how Laurance was probably going to end up late for class. I pushed my way past kids in the entryway and in the hallway, separating myself from everyone else in the group who were also all on their way to their lockers. By the time I got to my locker there were barely any people in the hall. I never understood how everyone else could be so much faster than me, specifically in the mornings. I opened my locker but just barely got a chance to look inside before I was being spoken to.

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