chapter 83

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Xia Tian walked briskly into the apartment building. The graduation thesis had already been handed over to the old professor. Although the professor was very disapproving of Xia Tian's return to China at this time, he still said that he would not hinder his decision, and Xia Tian had already started Go to the major space ship companies to order space ship tickets that can go directly to the empire. When this matter is finalized, he will return immediately.

He wanted to see his owner earlier, and he couldn't wait for a moment.

The corridors of the foreign student apartment building are public. Because they are not used to the food of the Federation, there are often tenants who cook in the public kitchen in the corridor. Xia Tian smells a familiar fragrance when he enters the building.

He searched for relevant memories in his mind, and immediately took a step forward. When he walked upstairs, he saw a thin and small boy cooking.

The boy's surname is Xu, and his parents are interstellar smugglers. When the empire was in turmoil, his parents desperately took Xiao Xu to hide in the warehouse of the cargo ship. Unexpectedly, he contracted a disease that could not be cured on the way. He lost his life, leaving Xiao Xu to go to the Federation alone, sleeping in the bridge hole to pick up garbage.

Because he doesn't speak the common language of the Federal Republic and has no other connections, Xiao Xu couldn't even find a job washing dishes and sweeping the floor in the capital city. It was winter when "Xia Tian" first came here, and Xiao Xu leaned against the downstairs of the apartment It was covered with snow and became a snowman. He couldn't bear it. A bowl of ginger soup saved his life, and later helped him find a handyman in a restaurant. Shopping for food and cooking——

Although Xia Tian still adheres to the habit of never wasting a grain of food, it is naturally more enjoyable for him to have delicious food. Although the technological development of the empire is not as advanced as that of the federation, the food is really delicious.

After Xia Tian and Xiao Xu finished their meal, Xiao Xu looked at him nervously when he was cleaning up the bowl, hesitated for a long time, and only asked after Xia Tian asked: "Xia... Brother Xia, are you going back to China? "

This matter is not a secret, Xia Tian nodded.

Xiao Xu dawdled for a long time, and then asked in a low voice with blushing face, "Brother Ye, can you take me with you? I don't occupy the ground, even the lowest warehouse in the ship can stay." He was afraid Xia Tian disliked him, and repeatedly proved himself useful, "I can be a handyman on a ship, and I can do all kinds of hard work. I can also cook. I have saved some money in the past few years, and I want to buy a ticket to go back. It is enough, but his identity is not visible, and he cannot be bought..."

Xiao Xu is a black household, regular space ships between the Empire and the Federation will not take him away, and the smuggled ships only take people here, and do not send people back. reason. What's more, now which galaxy does not know the Empire galaxy to extinguish the war, no one would want to go there. So besides begging Xia Tian to take him with him in the name of a servant, Xiao Xu really couldn't find any other way.

Xia Tian was a little surprised by his thoughts, he felt it for a moment, and noticed that there were small grass sprouts bet by the other party in the raw cigarette dowry. After confirming that he was trustworthy, he was relieved, and said, "You can do it in restaurants now too." That's right, I heard from the boss that he has the idea of ​​promoting you to work in the kitchen..." Xia Tian actually doesn't have much affection for the empire now, and he insisted on returning to the empire galaxy to find the owner, not to mention that Xiao Xu's family worked so hard back then. I just want to get a place in the federation, and now I can't wait for someone to stand firm a little bit, so I want to go back?

According to the memory he accepted, the war in the Empire galaxy has just stopped, and now it is in ruins, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of devastation. That annoying short man is right in one sentence-going back, it may not be better than here.

He briefly explained the situation to Xiao Xu, but Xiao Xu did not flinch, and said with red eyes: "Brother Xia, I want to go back, the Federation Capital Star is indeed very good, but I think the Danshui Star in my hometown is even better. "

Xia Tian was stunned for a moment, looking at Xiao Xu, who had an immature face but a determined expression, some inexplicable emotions welled up in his heart. If Sheng Li was here, he must ask Sheng Li, does Xiao Xu also have a parent in Tamsui? Lord?

Xia Tian was not sure if he could take Xiao Xu with him, but he was willing to give it a try. He and Xiao Xu had taken care of each other in the federation these years, and Xiao Xu was in his teens. Xu Dang's half-brother saw it. In Xia Tian's memory, if the situation had not changed much, then the Xia family he belonged to in this life could be regarded as a prominent family in the empire, and might be able to help him a little bit.

After making up his mind, Xia Tian immediately contacted the ship company through Xingwang. The gentle and smiling robot on the holographic projection originally said that there was no problem, but after inquiring about Xia Tian's information, he immediately refused, and interrupted forcefully without any explanation. communication.

Xia Tian looked confused at the holographic screen that suddenly exited the interface, and soon received a communication from a fellow villager, who came up and said: "Xiao Xia, it may be difficult to return to China." Only after Xia Tian asked further did he

know The fellow from the hometown who is also an international student of the Mecha Academy is already in a state of travel restrictions. He didn't even dare to choose a video call for this communication. Instead, he used the voice mode to call secretly. The other party didn't dare to say more for fear of hurting Xia Tian. After a few words in a hurry, I hung up.

This is difficult... Xia Tian frowned, and he also found that his communication signal seemed to be intercepted. On the Federation Information Network, which claims to be "connectable to a hundred thousand light years", he can't even contact his family members in the Imperial Galaxy , you can only browse the relevant information of the federal capital star.

This made the little fox a little anxious. Fortunately, after the experience of the previous life, he was more or less fearless and strategizing. After confirming that he was indeed under surveillance, Xia Tian could only turn to others for help. However, the school seemed to have received some instructions, so he had to continue to go back to school for some tedious and unnecessary procedures.

His popularity in school had always been good, but today it was a little strange. His classmates and alumni who had known him in the past all had complicated expressions on their faces when they saw him.

After Xia Tian was baptized by such gazes again, he finally couldn't help but stopped, stopped the other party and asked, "Susan, I thought you might be willing to explain to me what happened in school. Is it some new tricky game?"

Susan was the female student who warned Xia Tian not to return to her home planet a few days ago. She stroked a strand of blond hair hanging from her temples, and looked at Xia Tian with pity in her eyes.

"Xia, I'm sorry about this." As she said this, she clicked on the portable optical computer and motioned Xia Tian to read the headline news, which was the page of the Federal News Center.

Just today, this media organization with the title of "government mouthpiece" published such a cold news in bold black font on the front page headline - [Conversation recording leaked] Senior officials of the Imperial Galaxy admitted to persecuting returning

students ! The gallows is the destination of the overseas students.

This provocative title made Susan sigh. Xia Tian looked at it, but he didn't feel much. He still thought to himself that this method was left over from his previous life with the owner, and it was just to create public opinion. The atmosphere only shakes the morale of the returned students. In the previous life, due to the lack of advanced technology, the flow of information was relatively blocked. Sheng Li used this information asymmetry several times to confuse the barbarians who invaded, and finally found a chance to kill the opponent in one fell swoop. exterminate.

And in the interstellar era where information spreads rapidly, such a move is not necessarily completely useless. After all, the Federal Galaxy has an extraordinary status in the entire galaxy. Even if the news is false, some people will still swear that it must be true , and if it is a person like Xia Tian who is restricted in communication and can only receive information from the intranet of the federal capital star, he may believe it because he cannot communicate with the parent star.

Seeing Xia Tian staring at the news and not speaking for a long time, Susan couldn't help but feel a little worried. Probably anyone who sees his home planet acting like this, the blood in his heart that wants to go back will be chilled by a basin of cold water, right?

In fact, Xia Tian was silent because he was thinking about whether he could contact his family with the help of other students' optical brains. But after thinking about it, the federal government has restricted his travel, so he might be being watched by someone right now. If you act rashly, you may cause trouble to others, so let it go.

Su Shan was obviously not the only one who expressed concern about him. When Xia Tian went to go through the formalities of handing over his school leaving documents, he happened to meet a bearded old professor. Xia, you must have known today's news. I can understand your feelings for your home planet, but you really don't need to be emotional - she is too weak now, you still want to study biological mechs, don't you? The Imperial galaxy absolutely cannot give You provide a good environment, the federation has already stopped supplying the empire with the latest core chips for machine tools and consoles, no matter how many ideas you have, you can't put them into practice." Xia Tian listened quietly to the old professor's words,

somehow , suddenly remembered the Jiuhua Pavilion in the previous life, and hundreds of disciples under it all had real talents and real learning. Used by Yi people.

And Xiao Xu, when he talked about Danshuixing, even talking about a flower and a plant on the planet, his eyes would sparkle brightly.

"Maybe you are right about one thing, professor." After hearing what the old professor said, Xia Tian was silent for a moment, and replied neither humble nor overbearing: "The imperial galaxy is indeed too weak, but I can stand in front of you and talk to you. It was because of my home planet that my family was able to send me to the Federation back then, and it was because the imperial government was still willing to keep the education reserve funds and send elite troops to escort me to the Federation despite internal and external troubles." "I

must Go back to the Empire, because that is not only my home planet, but also... my loved one." Speaking of this, Xia Tian sighed slightly, hoping that his feeling was correct, and that the owner was there.

The old professor was stunned for a moment, he seemed to have discovered for the first time that he, a mild-tempered student in the past, also had such eloquent eloquence outside of academic research.

At the end, he smiled and shook his head, "Okay, okay... Now that you have made up your mind, what can I say besides saying 'Bon voyage'? But there is one more thing to remind you that during this time It may not be so easy to leave, be careful."

Xia Tian bowed deeply to the professor: "Thank you, teacher."

After saying goodbye to the professor, Xia Tian turned around and went to a nearby cafe outside the campus.

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