chapter 84

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It was around ten o'clock, there were not many people in the cafe, only a few scattered people were sitting near the window, Xia Tian sat down in the corner of the innermost private room, and ordered a glass of water. No way, no matter which small world, he still can't get used to the taste of coffee, it feels very like medicine juice, but he can't pour it out at will, so he has to hold his nose and drink it every time, when Sheng Li was there before, Xia Tian Occasionally, he can taste something new, lick a little juice with the tip of his tongue, and Sheng Li will drink the rest for him. Now that Sheng Li is not around, Xia Tian will naturally not choose to order a glass to waste.

Not long after Xia Tian sat down, several people who knew him came over one after another.

Among them are imperial scholars who are teaching in the federation, and there are also foreign students like Xia Tian, ​​but regardless of their status and education level, they all have the same identity and aspirations—this is a group of imperial people who want to return to their home planet.

After sitting down, the few people did not have too many polite greetings. They came up and hit the topic directly. Mr. Feng, who specializes in the theory of wormholes, brought a secret news. The imperial galaxy sent troops to take them back to the country. This news made everyone excited. Xia Tian laughed happily as soon as he heard it.

However, some people are not optimistic about this. The first to raise doubts is a scholar, Chu He. He is a famous poet.

But at this moment, he looked extremely worried. Taking a sip of coffee, Chu He shook his head and said: "I am different from you guys. Xiao Xia is a talent who specializes in the research of mechs. Lao Feng's space wormhole theory is still regarded as the standard by many people... But I, but He is the most useless scholar."

Seeing that several people wanted to refute, Chu He raised his hand, "Think about it, which galaxy can do without scientific research talents like you? Let alone our home planet, no matter which country I will not reject you. But I am different. I am just a person who writes and writes. I only write some small articles on weekdays. What is the use of me for the mother planet? I just write something. Anyone can do it. There is no need to expend energy to take me away."

"This..." The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay. They had to admit that what Chu He said had some truth to it. Nowadays, all galaxies are frantically researching mecha technology, and the recruitment conditions for professions such as mecha masters are unbelievably good. Relatively speaking, poets and writers hardly recruited.

Xia Tian opened his mouth. Judging from his previous life experience, literary masters who can give people spiritual comfort and pry people's hearts with a pen are by no means ordinary characters. They are also recruited by the state regime, but he doesn't know that Whether the rule of the times is still applicable, in order not to attract attention, he did not say much.

Coming out of the cafe, Xia Tian stopped when he passed a clothing store. He stood in front of the window, as if he was admiring the popular styles of the season, but his eyes scanned the projection on the glass inch by inch—the corner on the

left The man looking down at the newspaper, with a pipe dangling from the right back, seems to be the gentleman who is waiting for someone... They all seem to pass by unintentionally, but they have already attracted the attention of the little fox. Very dissatisfied.

Xia Tian watched the two of them silently, preliminarily reckoning that he would not be at a disadvantage in a confrontation with these two, but at this moment he had no intention of confronting them head-on, so he slowly slipped to the corner of the wall pretending to be browsing the merchandise in the window, Ready to wait for the opportunity to leave.

But as soon as he reached the secluded place, a powerful arm was wrapped around his waist. In the blink of an eye, Xia Tian was kidnapped into a deep alley.

Xia Tian's heart was pounding for a moment, the man behind him pulled him all the way into the alley, opened a secret door from nowhere, raised his hand and pushed Xia Tian in, and then he dodged to hide in. Giving him any chance to speak, he raised his hand to cover his mouth.

There was a mess of footsteps outside the door, obviously the two stalkers noticed that Xia Tian had disappeared and followed them. They searched around but found no one. The two big men talked in a low voice outside the door: "Run? There is

no No one, isn't it..."

"The detector... shouldn't have found it...just a coincidence..."

It was agreed to go back to the police station to explain the situation, and the two immediately walked out of the alley without even checking further, obviously they were not that interested in this job.

Xia Tian was just slightly relieved at this moment, but it was obviously not the time to put his heart in his stomach at this moment. He struggled a little, forcing the other party to let go of his hand, then turned his head and threw himself into the man's arms, whispering He called out "Master".

Sheng Li was stunned for a moment, then hugged him vigorously, laughed lowly, and said, "What's the matter? Are you still so wronged?"

Xia Tian hugged Sheng Li's arms vigorously like a little milk beast, and after a while Only then grabbed Sheng Li's collar, stood on tiptoes and poked his head to kiss each other's lips, and said in a vague way: "It's just a grievance." The

two of them touched each other without emotion/desire, just relying on this action to soothe each other's minds, Xia Tian His breathing gradually calmed down, and he raised his head to look at Sheng Li again, his peach blossom eyes were full of joy and unknowing affection, "I'm so happy, the master came so fast, I haven't looked for you yet." Sheng Li

listened When he said this, there was tenderness in his eyes, and he whispered: "You just need to stay where you are, and I will come to you." This sentence seems ordinary, but it is his most sincere promise, even though it is separated by mountains and seas , he will also move mountains to fill the sea, and pave the natural moat between the two into a smooth road.

Hearing this, Xia Tian smiled so much that he rolled his eyes, "Okay." He will do what the master says.

The small darkroom was too narrow, the two calmed down, and Sheng Li went out to observe for a while to make sure that there was no one following him, and then let Xia Tian come out.

Xia Tian's heart was full of joy to see the owner, and he couldn't help looking up at Sheng Li along the way, but he even forgot to look at the road, if it wasn't for Sheng Li pulling him, he would almost bump into a child on the side of the road.

"Keep an eye on the road." Sheng Li scolded softly, but his tone was extremely gentle, he simply put his arm around Xia Tian's shoulders, and teased, "What if I get lost?" "Then I'll stand where I am and wait for you." Xia

Tian laughed.

"Very good." Sheng Li praised him, and then asked casually, "How are you preparing for your departure?"

Xia Tian didn't think about why Sheng Li knew that he was going to leave the Federation galaxy. In his opinion, the owner is omnipotent, so naturally he knows everything.

However, Sheng Li's words reminded him of another thing. He looked at the other party nervously and asked, "I want to go back to the Imperial galaxy... Can the master go together?" He didn't know what Sheng Li was now. What is his identity? Originally, he only vaguely sensed that Sheng Li was in the empire, but now the other party is in the federal capital star. Could it be that he is from the federal galaxy?

If this is the case, Xia Tian has to think about it carefully. In the past few days, he has been running back and forth to return to the empire. Xia Tian gradually developed an unspeakable emotion for the galaxy that only existed in his memory, let alone the former "Xia Tian" "Everything he experienced is still vivid in his mind. He still remembers the flushed eyes of relatives and friends who waved goodbye to him when he set foot on the space ship many years ago.

If Sheng Li is from the Empire and is willing to go back, then naturally everyone is happy, but if Sheng Li is from the Federation Galaxy, or he is unwilling to go to the Empire Galaxy, then Xia Tian will naturally have to make another plan. He is unwilling to separate from Sheng Li, but I also know that I have more expectations in this life, and I have to explain them one by one before I can do what I want.

He is not the little fox who just wanted to live comfortably and then he can do anything. At least after taking on the destiny of a country in his last life, Xia Tian learned to take responsibility more.

Seeing Xia Tian's thoughtful appearance, Sheng Li whispered in his ear: "Sheng Li, the commander of the 20th Army of the Imperial Galaxy, is now secretly carrying out the mission of escorting overseas students from foreign systems back to China. I will escort the overseas student Xia Tian to safety. Back to the Empire."

The warm breath hit his ears, making Xia Tianying's white ears turn red instantly, he froze for a moment, finally suppressed his desire to jump up and scream, his brows and eyes crooked with a smile, Good that he and the breeder are going to the same place.

Sheng Li pinched Xia Tian's cheek, led the people around, and entered a small apartment building in a very remote location.

As soon as he entered, Xia Tian was stunned. Without him, the apartment building was full of imperial people, including some classmates he was quite familiar with. Those people were sitting in the lobby on the first floor with their luggage. And there were a few young men with straight backs and serious faces standing scattered around the hall, obviously they were from the same origin as Sheng Li.

The person in charge of the apartment is also an imperial person. He knows who is the leader of this group of people. He clicks on the registration information on his brain, walks up to Sheng Li and shows it to him, showing a little embarrassed expression: "Mr. Too many, I'm afraid this building won't be able to accommodate you, look..."

Sheng Li nodded slightly, motioning for the other party to continue, and the person in charge said, "Can you discuss it and let the big guys squeeze in again? Although they are all one-compartment single apartments, the conditions are a bit tough, but it is not impossible to live in one house..."

Sheng Li pondered for a while, then called a few soldiers over to discuss, and he brought a group of people As the vanguard, they came to the Federation in disguise, and secretly took away the scholars who were under surveillance. Otherwise, if the news that "the empire openly sent a large number of soldiers to the Federation" spread, there would be another disturbance. Now they have no intention of collaborating with the Federation regime. Fighting, being able to quickly and safely escort people back to the empire is the most important thing.

The main problem they worry about is that some elderly scholars will put on airs and not talk. After all, almost all of these people were "abducted" by soldiers on the street in the past two days. The seniors still have doubts about their identities, and feel that they are spies sent by the Federation, so they don't fully trust them at all.

As a result, the soldiers all showed embarrassment. They thought they would have to spend more time talking, but what they didn't expect was that Xia Tian just sat over and said a few words in a low voice with a smile, and the attitude of the scholars immediately changed. They made a big turn, as if this group of soldiers were moving space ships that could immediately bring them back to their home planet that they had missed for a long time. Whether it was moving rooms or carrying luggage, each of them cooperated very well, and there were many words between them. Thank you, but it made the soldiers feel a little embarrassed.

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