Chapter 7: The Fight

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Narrator's POV

Lauren spent the weekend with Normani. They hung out together at Normani's house which was less than ten minutes' drive from Lauren's apartment. Normani wanted to know how Lauren was doing with her new role.

"How's it with the new job, Lauser?"

"It's good."

"Good?" Normani wanted more information.

"It's different but so far I enjoyed it."

"How is our CEO?"

"I can't say much yet, as she's still learning. But she is smart and learns fast." Lauren said.

Normani saw Lauren's worried face which was so subtle. Lauren knew how to hide her negative emotions well such as sadness, worry, anxiety, and so on. Only Normani could tell as her best friend, "what's bothering you?"

Lauren looked at Normani and smiled that her best friend could tell, "She's not healthy."

"not healthy? She got a serious illness or something?"

"No. She barely eats and she stays late every day." Lauren told Normani what Camila ate daily.

"No wonder she's so tiny and skinny. She must have a huge pressure."

"Yea... but she can't keep on going like this. She will collapse. She's unhealthy, both physically and mentally." Lauren sighed.

Normani knew Lauren always cared about others. She loved people. She was even always kind to strangers.

"It must be hard, Lauser. She's not even fully adult yet, not even twenty-two."

"yea...poor thing. I just want her to eat healthier and don't be too hard to herself."

"Try to talk to her." Normani suggested.

"I will, but it's not easy as she's so closed off and keeps everything professional."

"Take time, Lauser. I am sure you can do it, Lauren."

"I hope so."


It was the fourth week of Camila in the office. Lauren could not stand seeing her like that. Camila barely ate and stayed late until nine or ten in the evening. Sooner or later, she would be sent to the hospital and Lauren did not want that to happen. She might be just her mentor and not responsible for her well-being. However, it was Lauren who always cared about people, not to mention it was Camila, the daughter of someone she respected most, who had contributed a lot to her life.

Monday morning, Lauren came earlier than usual. She went to the executive team's kitchen to make a smoothie for Camila. That was what Ally told her that Camila loved banana. She had a mission this week, to make her eat, at least breakfast and lunch. Lauren was not a person who could get anxious easily, but seeing Camila like this for weeks made her anxious. Lauren felt painful seeing Camila not eating, staying late, and sad.

Lauren made three glasses of banana smoothie for Camila, Ally, and Hailee. She gave them to Hailee and asked her to pass them to Ally and Camila.

"Good morning, Camila." Hailee went to Camila's office. Camila knew Hailee before she became a CEO, so she asked Hailee to call her Camila.

"Morning, Haiz!" Camila smiled at her settling herself on the chair.

"Here a banana smoothie and some cookies."

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