Chapter 15: Popular With Girls

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Narrator's POV

Lauren had her lunch break with Normani since Camila did not want to go out. After lunch, She went to Camila's office for the mentoring session. She delivered everything formally and professionally as Camila was not in the mood of talking. They finished faster at ten past four.

"Okay, since you have no further question, we can end it for today," Lauren said collecting her stuff.

"Thank you, Lauren."

"You're welcome." Lauren was leaving the room, Camila called her.


"Yes." She turned around facing Camila. Camila was standing in front of her desk.

"Sorry, about yesterday. I should have informed you in advance. I had a long break and had to skip the learning." Camila apologized. She looked like a little girl, not Lauren's CEO.

"Yea... It's fine. Just let me know next time. So I can adjust my schedule and... not wondering where you are." Lauren smiled. She could not stay annoyed with Camila when she was looking like that.

"Okay. I did not know you will have a day off on Friday."

"Yes, I have planned it since last year."

"Oh..." Camila paused and thought for a moment, "So, you will not come on Saturday as well?"

"No, but I am still available on Thursday evening, and I will come back on Monday morning," Lauren informed Camila of her schedule.

"It's fine. You should enjoy your days off."

"Thank you."

"Okay." Camila wanted to talk to Lauren longer, but she was thinking about what to say.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Camila." Lauren looked at Camila. She was unconsciously unwilling to leave. Lauren slowly turned to leave Camila's office.

"Lauren," Camila stopped Lauren again.

"Yes?" They were looking at each other for a bit too long.

"We can have our lunch outside...tomorrow." Camila was looking at Lauren and Lauren was studying Camila's expression. She wanted to make sure Camila was not pressured into it.

"We don't have to... if you prefer inside." Lauren wanted her to feel comfortable.

"It's fine. I can take a walk, too." Camila wanted to try Lauren's way as Lauren always followed Camila's way. Lauren loved to have her lunch outside most of the time. it was the opposite of Camila.

"Okay. If you change your mind tomorrow. Just let me know." Lauren made it flexible as Camila's mood fluctuated easily.

"No, it's okay, I just need a less crowded place."

"Okay, no problem." Lauren smiled. "I will think of a place."

"Okay. See you tomorrow, Lauren." Camila went back to her seat.

"See you tomorrow. Camila." Lauren left feeling relieved that they were good.

Camila's jealousy on Saturday affected her mood the whole weekend until Monday. It was a coincidence that Mrs. Chalamet invited her for lunch on Monday that she could use that reason to avoid Lauren. She knew she should have informed Lauren that she could not make it to their meeting, but she did not. Camila was being unprofessional because of her little jealousy.

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