Chapter 13: Little Did She Know

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Narrator's POV

Three months passed. Camila was showing progress both in her professional and personal life. She knew more things and she gained more confidence at work. She also could manage her schedule better now. She did not stay late, she had her meals properly, and she looked better. She was not as skinny as before when she just started the CEO position. There were definitely still a lot of things that remained to master, but she was doing good up to this point.

Mr. Cooper, Lauren, Ally, Hailee, and all the executive team were proud of her. They were very supportive. Camila knew she had to build a good relationship with her employees. She cared about them and always considered them. She had the right person by her side who could show her how to do it properly. It was Lauren. Lauren loved people. She had great empathy. She was naturally one of the most caring people who exist. She was good at dealing with people and carried herself in a social setting, which was Camila's weakness.

Camila only loved to spend time alone or with the people she knew and felt comfortable with. It was not easy for her to open and talk to people she did not know well, even just for small talk. She would get nervous easily. However, she knew as a CEO she got a job to do. She did not have to be like Lauren, it would be too much and she would lose her true self. She cared about people, but she did not know how to show it correctly yet. Most of the time, she thought too much and did not do things properly. Anyway, she was lucky to have Lauren by her side.

Since that day when they went to the theme park, Camila and Lauren were getting closer. They could talk about something more personal now, such as about their family and friends. Camila was slowly open up to Lauren because she felt comfortable with Lauren. Lauren was not only good at carrying a conversation, but she was also good at listening. Ally and Hailee noticed their closeness and how they addressed each other on a first-name basis. Although they could talk about many things now, one thing that they never mentioned was their love life. Camila was too shy to talk about it, why Lauren did not want to embarrass herself as she casually dated many people. She was not a bad girl, but if compared to Camila she was one.

As bad as she could be, Lauren was always being polite and respectful towards Camila. Even though she could not stop herself occasionally checking on Camila since the theme park day, she still did it respectfully. She had this little admiration towards her CEO. She could not be blamed, Camila was beautiful. She was getting even more beautiful after she started to take better care of herself recently. Everybody would admire her, even more for those who know her personality better.

Lauren did not put much thought into her feeling and her little admiration towards Camila. Camila was her CEO, her employer, and the daughter of Alejandro who was like a father to Lauren. At work, Camila was her boss, and outside of work, Camila was a sister to her like Sofia. She did not and would not think to cross that line. However, Lauren was still enjoying her single life, she did not think about a serious relationship yet. How Camila's feeling was, only time could tell.


It was the first Friday of June. Lauren went to Ally's office, "Ally..."

"Yes, Lauren?" Ally was sitting on her chair and stopped what she was doing.

"I have to skip the lunch today, I got an appointment," Lauren said.

"Okay, no problem."

Friday was the day when Lauren, Camila, Ally, and Hailee would go out for lunch together. If either of them could not join, they would still go with the rest. Today Lauren could not join as she needed to meet Lucy.


It was lunchtime and Lauren had left for lunch. Camila and Hailee were ready for lunch waiting for Ally in front of her office.

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