Chapter 39: Kissing You

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Narrator's POV

Lauren and Camila were cuddling on the sofa. Thirty minutes passed no words uttered until Lauren's stomach growled. She was hungry. Camila chucked listening to Lauren's hungry tummy. Camila lifted her head, "hungry?"

"Yea..." Lauren said. She was looking at Camila's brown eyes.

"Let's get something to eat.' Camila said.

Lauren smiled, "yea..."

Camila was moving to stand up but Lauren stopped her, "Yes?"

Lauren looked at Camila lovingly like she was the most beautiful thing in the world. Camila could be bold and bossy at work, but she became shy, her cheeks turned red when Lauren was looking at her like that. Lauren found it adorable. Lauren caressed Camila's left cheek softly looking at her. She loved those brown eyes of Camila. She then moved to her lips. Camila smiled and did the same. Lauren got closer and slowly touched Camila's lips with hers. They both slowly closed their eyes and kissed each other. It was so soft, so gentle and they lost in their kissing for a minute, another minute, until Lauren's stomach growled again. Camila laughed while kissing Lauren. She stopped Lauren, "we should get something to eat." She touched Lauren's stomach. 

"Okay..." Lauren kissed Camila once before she stood up. "I'll order something. What do you want to eat?"

"It's up to you. What do you want to eat?"

Lauren was thinking.

"We can order something from that boy, Finn?" Camila still remembered.

"Oh, yeah..."

While waiting for the food, they went to the kitchen. Lauren was preparing drinks. Camila asked Lauren, "Is it bad?" Camila pointed to the small bandage on Lauren's forehead.

"It's fine." Lauren who was making fresh orange juice smiled. She did not want to make Camila worried.

"And your stomach?" Camila asked. Javier did kick Lauren forcefully.

"It's okay. It was a little bit hurt, but now is okay." Lauren answered squeezing the oranges.

The food arrived in less than fifteen minutes and they asked Jason to join them. They had their lunch together. Neither of them mentioned Mr. Bardem, but Jason asked Lauren how she was doing whether she was hurt badly. They had a light conversation. Jason and Lauren recalled how Lauren always got into a fight when she was still a teenager. Camila got to hear a story of teenage Lauren. After lunch, Jason went downstairs.

"Lauren, Please cancel your resignation." Camila started.

"Camila, your uncle would not like it," Lauren said.

"I don't care what he likes or dislikes," Camila stated firmly. 

"You heard what he said. He is the shareholder and I am just an employee." Lauren added.

"Yes, he is, but I am the major shareholder, and you don't work for him." Camila's face was serious.

"I just don't want him to trouble you."

"Either way, he will always, won't he?" Camila was predicting from what Ally and Jason told her. She wanted to know from Mr. Cooper and Lauren, but first, she had to stop Lauren from leaving.

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