Chapter 61: Old Crush

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Narrator's POV

Two months passed. Camila was doing great at work. She was still learning but she gained more experience and confidence. She still needed Lauren's and Mr. Cooper's advice, but she was capable to attend meetings and conferences alone accompanied by Ally only. Mr. Cooper and Ally were amazed by her achievements so far. They also appreciated Lauren's great job in mentoring Camila. Mr. Copper said that Camila and Lauren could be the young power couple from the Cabello Corp. they both complemented each other.

Lauren and Camila's relationship was also doing well. They worked professionally at work and they spent time well when they were not at work. They were professional at work even though they would spend five minutes to make out in the morning, during lunchtime, or when before Camila left. Although they sometimes almost got carried away, they never went too far in the office. Lauren always stayed over during the weekend and Camila would come to Lauren's place for dinner or a romantic night during the weekdays. They got to know each other better and their love seemed to grow stronger despite their differences such as Lauren loved sport and outdoors while Camila loved to stay in and chill.

Camila asked Lauren about her love for the rally. Lauren told her and she also asked if Camila would like to come with her on Sunday that she could see it herself and get to know Lauren's friends as well. Camila went there once, but she felt bored. Lauren would not let her get into the car when she was practicing as it was too dangerous in Lauren's opinion. Lauren said she could not afford to endanger the life of the billionaire, the owner and the CEO of the Cabello Corp. Lauren would only let her join her for fun only. As the result, Camila did not join her for the next practice. She preferred to stay home.


They were going for lunch on Friday afternoon. As usual, Dinah and Normani also joined them: Lauren, Camila, Hailee, and Ally. They had arrived at the restaurant except for Lauren who got hold up on the way to the restaurant by her acquaintance. They finished ordering when Lauren arrived but she met someone outside the restaurant.

"Who is that?" Dinah asked when she saw Lauren.

They looked at the way where Lauren was standing talking to a girl.

"It's Selena Gomez..." Hailee said excitedly.

"Yes..." Ally said. She and Hailee waved at Selena who saw them and waved back at them.

Camila looked at Lauren and the girl talking. Normani was looking at Camila.

"Selena?" Dinah wanted to know more. 

"Yes... our ex-colleague." Ally said.

"Yes, she's such a sweet girl. She's Lauren..." Hailee stopped when she realized that it was better not to mention it.

Camila looked at Hailee who did not continue. Ally, Hailee, and Normani shared a look.

"Oh, she's Lauren's trainee," Ally added immediately.

Camila knew that they were hiding something, but she did not want to ask further. She would ask Lauren by herself.

"Oh... she looks familiar," Dinah said.

Three minutes later, Lauren came in and joined them. Nobody mentioned Selena. They had their lunch as usual.


Camila was leaving the office. Lauren went to her room before she left. They kissed as usual. Camila moaned as Lauren was pulling her closer and squeezing her butt when they kissed. "Come to my place," Camila said.

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