Chapter 86: The Half-Sisters

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Narrator's POV

The next morning, Lauren got a message from Lucy. They agreed to meet at eleven. Lauren was fine with the time but she was confused why Lucy chose a place next to the cemetery. They never met at such a place. She brushed it off and agreed with the time and place mentioned.


Lauren arrived at the agreed place ten minutes earlier. It was a little coffee shop close to the cemetery. Lucy showed up fifteen minutes later. "Hi, Lauren!"

Lauren turned around as Lucy called her, "Hi!"

"Are we going to stay here or find another place?" Lauren asked. "I am fine with both."

"Can we go to your parent's grave?" Lucy asked.

"Lucy...what is it about?" Lauren was confused.

"I'll tell you once we get there," Lucy said. She smiled.

"Okay..." Lauren agreed as Lucy looked calm and friendly.

They stopped at the flower shop on the way to the cemetery. When they reached their destination, they both took a moment of silence for five minutes before they sat down and talked.

"I have something to tell you," Lucy said.

"Yes." Lauren was ready. She could not wait to hear what Lucy wanted to talk to her about. 

"It might sound crazy but it's the fact." Lucy looked at Lauren not knowing how Lauren would react.

"Go ahead..."

Lucy looked at the tombstone of their father and her stepmother, "Michael my biological father."

Lauren was shocked. She just looked at Lucy, "what... what do you mean?"

"Yes, he is my father. Your father is my father."

Lauren stood up and looked at Lucy, "no... how is it possible?" She was shocked but she tried to keep calm.

"Yes, anything is possible and it's the fact." Lucy was as calm as Camila when Camila told her about it. It was Lauren who was shocked now.

"You're my sister?" That was what crossed Lauren's mind first.


"No..." the next thing that crossed her mind as she had slept with Lucy.

"We can run a test, if you don't believe it," Lucy said calmly.

Lauren was still processing what she just heard. "Who told you that?"

"Camila... she found out about it," Lucy answered Lauren.

"What?" Lauren was even more confused now. She did not want to believe it but Camila whom she knew never lied. She either told the truth or said nothing. "How did she know? Why did she... how's she related to this?" Lauren knew that Camila was not someone who poked her nose into someone's else business unless it was related to her.

"Lauren, please sit down!" Lucy asked her.

"No..." She chose to stand instead of sitting. She was too young and did not have a chance to get to know her parents. She was five at that time. Many questions started to pop up in her mind including whether her father cheated on her mother as Lucy was younger than her. If it was true. She also had slept with her half-sister which was unthinkable.

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