Chapter 68: Valentine's Day

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Narrator's POV

The news about the young CEO got shot was in the media. It was unavoidable as it happened in the crowd and drew attention. Some people came to visit Camila such as Mrs. Timothée and Mr. Cooper. Timothée and Harry also came to visit Camila after Christmas when they saw the news. Camila was happy to see them as they were her close friends besides Dinah. Lauren seemed to avoid them and Camila noticed it but she did not ask Lauren about it. Camila spent her New Year with Sofia, Dinah, Hailee, Ally, and Lauren. They made a little party at home at Camila's place.

During her recovery, Camila did not go anywhere. She would attend a meeting from home if it was necessary. Other than that, she did not work but she was updated everything by Ally, Hailee, Mr. Cooper, and Lauren. Lauren was back to work when the holiday was over. She would visit Camila after work whenever possible, but it was not everyday. She would stay at Camila's during the weekend.


Six weeks had passed. Camila was recovering well. She was doing better day by day and would get back to the office soon. It was the second Friday of February. She was sitting in the family room waiting for Lauren who would come and stay over. She and Lauren had something to discuss. She received news from her uncle Coop that Lauren was asking him about her assignment as Camila's mentor. It had been a year and Lauren thought it was time to stop the mentoring.

It was not the main concern for Camila. She had gained experience and confidence. She also thought it was time for her to take her responsibility as the CEO of The Cabello Corp more independently. The strange thing that disturbed her was why Lauren did not tell her or mention it at all but she asked Mr. Cooper instead. Camila did not like it but she hoped Lauren had her reason.

Lauren arrived at seven and they had dinner together. They proceeded to the family room relaxing when they finished the dinner

"Lauren..." Camila sat next to Lauren but she did not cuddle her as she usually did because she wanted to talk to Lauren.

"Yes, Camz..." Lauren sat facing her lifting one leg on the couch.

"I talked to uncle Coop today," Camila said looking at Lauren.

This conversation was expected, "Yeah..." she was waiting for Camila's reaction.

"Why did not you tell me yourself?"

"Yeah, I was visiting his office. We discussed several things. He then asked me your progress and we talked about it." Lauren said.

"It's not planned?" Camila knew how Lauren worked. She always planned things.

"I have been thinking about it at the beginning of the year. And today I met him and he asked me about your progress so we talked about it." Lauren explained further.

Camila was deep in thought and said nothing.

"Camz... you're ready. I am  confident that you are ready and you will not have any problem with it." Lauren continued.

Camila looked at Lauren, "Yes, but it was not my concern."


Camila looked away sighing subtly.


"I just did not understand why you did not discuss it with me." Camila expressed her concern.

"About that, I think I should talk to Mr. Cooper as he's the one who offered and assigned me this position. I was in his team for this project. And also he asked me before I manage to talk to you." Lauren said.

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