Chapter 27: Further Thoughts

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Lauren's POV

I looked at the time and it was almost three in the morning. I could not fall asleep although I was exhausted from what had happened yesterday. I was lying in my bed thinking about everything that happened this weekend, especially with Camila. I recalled the fun that I had with Camila and Sofia at the theme park. There was also the Sunday morning surprise from Camila and Sofia. I remembered the racing gloves. I got up and brought them to my bed. I did not know how she knew I was into racing. She might do some research or she could just ask Hailee who knew many things.

The racing gloves were way too expensive. I would not buy it myself. I was certain that it cost Camila nothing as she was too wealthy. The price was not the main point. What important was she got me something that I liked. It was something that you could tell people put effort into it. They even made me a big delicious cake. I was thinking now that going to the theme park was not for Sofia merely. She wanted to celebrate my birthday as I had celebrated hers. People were kind to me in general. It was probably because I always tried to be kind to them. All this time. I thought she was just being kind to me like everybody else, considering I was helping her and being kind to her. She was just being thoughtful. I might be wrong.

Then the party started. Everything went well and it could not be better when Camila showed up even though she did not like the nightclub. It was beyond my expectation. She showed up and she looked gorgeous. Everyone was happy. I did enjoy my not-so-appropriate dance with Scarlett. I would not deny it. She was hot as hell. We ended up having sex in the restroom. It was not our first time. We had it before. She was good and we enjoyed our fun times. Unfortunately, the place we chose was not the best, for me. The pleasure I had with Scarlett turned into pressure when we were out of the stall coming to Camila and Lucy in the same restroom as us.

I saw how they both looked at me. How their eyes carried the emotions when they looked at me was so obvious. They both were shocked and I was as shocked as them, too. Lucy was not happy. She was angry. I could see the anger in her eyes. There was nothing I could do about it. We were not in a relationship. We had made it clear again after the last time we accidentally had sex weeks ago that we were friends and that was a mistake. She agreed we should move on from that and would not let it happen again. I was relieved. Now, I doubted that she had truly moved on from me. I was certain that she still could not get over me and still had a feeling for me. I understood if we needed time to get over our feelings, but she should have known that she should stop expecting the same feeling from me. Last but not least, she knew I was still constantly hooking up when I was in the club. I was single and I was free. She should have put her expectation away.

Meanwhile, Camila was not happy as well. She was angry like Lucy, but I could see a hint of sadness in her eyes. I thought she was disappointed with me. I was her employee but I was not perfect. Probably, she might think that I had no class. I was not classy as she was. I was no angel or saint. I had my guilty pleasure. Last but not the least, I was not in a relationship with her formally or casually. She had no right and she should not be mad at me for having sex with Scarlett or whoever I had. I did nothing wrong. However, I felt guilty. The way she looked at me made me felt guilty. It made me feel that kind of feeling, feeling guilty of cheating on our partner. I should not have felt this way, felt guilty, but I did.

I lost my words in that restroom at that moment. I was confused with everything that happened. Scarlett's question "is one of them like... your girl?" made me realized what I felt. I would not blame Scarlett at all. I wanted it as well. I should even thank her to make me realize and suggested that I should go after her who was "my girl" even though technically she was not my girl, but my boss. I went after Camila, but I did not know what I should tell her. It was not totally bad that George punched me. It bought me time to process everything that happened. I did not know why George punched me, but I would find out later.

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