Chapter 11: It's Just A Chocolate

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Lauren's POV

It was Monday and I came early as usual. I was sitting in my office when Hailee came to me. "Lauren..." Hailee put a box of fancy chocolate on my desk. "From Camila."

I saw Hailee was holding several boxes, "thank you, Haiz."

"Nah, thank the boss," Hailee said and left my office.

I suggested Ms. Cabello get some chocolates for the team. She was kind and bright but she was not experienced with such things, but I was sure she would learn fast and her employees would appreciate her little gestures. She was still overwhelmed with her new responsibility. However, I was confident that she would be able to handle things fast. Ally and I always accompanied her to the meetings. She could not do it alone yet, but she looked quite confident and understood things in the few meetings we have had. She knew how to prepare herself well.

I went to Ms. Cabello's office when Hailee was busy distributing the chocolates.

"Good morning, Ms. Cabello!" I greeted my CEO who was already sitting on her chair and checking some papers. She was always serious.

"Good morning, Ms. J!" She gave me her small smile. I wondered when I could see her full smile.

"Thank you for the chocolate, you don't have to." I smiled.

Ms. Cabello did not say anything. She only smiled slightly.

I took a small box of chocolate from my paper bag and I gave it to Ms. Cabello, "I have something for you, too."

She looked at the box, "thank you, you don't have to. What is it?"

"You can open it," I said.

She opened the box. She laughed quietly. I spent my Sunday at home making some chocolates. I gave Ms. Cabello a moon shape chocolate. She looked at me smiling a bit broader. She seemed to like it. Last Friday evening, when I came to check on her, I saw a hand-drawn moon on her desk. She drew pretty well. "Thank you, you don't have to, Ms. J."

"It's just something simple." I was happy looking at her who looked happy with her moon-shaped chocolate. I loved how little simple things could make people smile and happy.


Ms. Cabello seemed to have the right mood, so I asked her to join Ally, Hailee, and me for lunch. She agreed as I said she was in the mood to go out. We went to the restaurant downstairs.

After our orders were taken, Ally spoke, "So, How did you pass your Valentine's day?"

We looked at each other. "Hailee?" Ally asked

"Just went for dinner with someone I am seeing," Hailee said. "How about you, Ally?"

"I spent the day with Will. And you Lauren?"

I playfully pouted. Ally and Hailee laughed at my expression, while Ms. Cabello slightly smiled as usual.

"No date... during the day. I was at home making chocolate. In the evening, Normani invited me for dinner. " I told them.

"You both did not go to the club like usual?" Ally asked. She knew Normani enjoyed going to the club and she always went there with me.

"No, She wanted to spend time with her parents. It's good right, so you can have some chocolates from me." I had more time if Normani and I did not go to the club.

"Talking about the chocolate, your homemade chocolate is so good, Lauren," Hailee said.

Ally added, "yes, I did not know you can make a good chocolate."

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