Chapter 78: Meeting Emma

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Narrator's POV

In the afternoon after finishing her work, Camila called Emma. She would like to talk to Emma to find things out. She asked Hailee to get Emma's number. She would like to call Emma herself.

Emma: Hello!

Camila: Hi, Emma! It's Camila.

Emma: Oh, Hi, Camila. (She did not have Camila's number) How is it going?

Camila: It's good. I would like to invite you for dinner at my place tomorrow?

Emma: Tomorrow?

Camila: Yes

Emma: Let me check my schedule (Emma was talking to her assistant)

Camila: ...

Emma: Camila?

Camila: Yes?

Emma: I am free tomorrow. So, it's good.

Camila: Great. At seven?

Emma: Can we make it seven-thirty?

Camila: sure, no problem. I'll send you my address.

Emma: Okay (Emma was surprised but she did not ask further. She loved being friends with Camila after she met her at Lauren's party that day. They got along instantly.)

Camila: Great, thank you, Emma! See you tomorrow!

Emma: Looking forward to it, Camila. See you tomorrow!

Camila: Bye.

Emma: Bye...


The dinner was prepared and Emma arrived at Camila's mansion three minutes before seven-thirty. 

"Welcome, Ms. Stone!" Alice opened the door for Emma.

"Thank you!" Emma was admiring the mansion. 

"Follow me please!" Alice led her to the living room.

Camila showed up five minutes later, "Good evening, Emma!"

"Camila, good evening!" They hugged each other.

"Thank you for coming," Camila seemed cheerful.

"Thank you for inviting me to this beautiful house." She said looking around.

"I can give you a tour or we can have dinner first." Camila offered.

"Thank you! I am fine with both," Emma smiled.

"Okay, I'll show you some on the way to the dining room," Camila said since it was impossible to do the whole tour.

"That sounds good."

They started the tour from the living room heading to the dining room. They passed some rooms and Camila explained to Emma. Emma could tell the painting that Camila purchased was not a big amount to Camila considering she had a beautiful mansion. Everybody who knew the Cabellos knew.

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