Chapter 77: Suspiciously Strange.

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Narrator's POV

After the auction, Camila and Dinah had dinner at one of the exclusive restaurants in the city. Camila was a multi-billionaire but it was the first time she made such a big purchase in her life. She enjoyed her life being the daughter of Alejandro Cabello but she was not spoiled. After the unexpected auction, she needed to relax and calm her mind. 

"What a crazy evening!" Dinah said.

Camila smiled, "Yeah..."

Jason chose to have his table by the corner so he could watch over the room for Camila's safety and Camila could have privacy with Dinah as well. Jason also wanted to check with his team for the task that he had given to them.

They had chosen the menu waiting for the food to be served.

"Mila, It's not that your painting doesn't worth it, but it is crazy. From one point three until thirty-three." Dinah still could not believe it.

"It's not solely my painting, D. It's Mr. Solomon's masterpiece and those crazy people who were bidding on it made it more intense," Camila explained drinking her cocktail.

"Yeah... Matthew is crazy for sure, but Emma... I did not expect that, and also Lucy why she's there and that man, who the hell is he?" Dinah was still overwhelmed with these people bidding insanely.

"Not sure..." Camila was thinking, "It's so strange." Camila said.

Camila laughed looked at Dinah's dumbfounded and annoyed face. "D, it's fine. I just had to stop shopping for this month." Camila joked. Dinah knew Camila did not have to and she was not a shopaholic anyway. She had a minimalist lifestyle compared to those who were as wealthy as her or even less wealthy than her. 

"Mila...," Dinah laughed. She was getting more relaxed. She knew Camila could afford it without a problem. She just thought it was insane for the painting to cost that high. Camila would not let anybody she did not know to have her painting anyway. It was too creepy to think of that, especially Matthew, or that mysterious man, or Lucy. Matthew probably knew that the girl in the painting was Camila, but Camila was not sure about the rest.

The two best friends enjoyed their dinner and talked about what happened today. It was unavoidable to talk about Lauren. After they finished their dinner, they left the restaurant heading home. Dinah stayed over at Camila's place and they watched a movie with Sofia before bedtime.


Camila asked Hailee to take care of the painting purchase. She wanted to talk to Mr. Viggo as well. She invited Mr. Viggo for lunch at her mansion on Monday.

"Mr. Viggo, thank you for coming," Camila said walking into the living room where Mr. Viggo had arrived and waited for her.

"It's my pleasure, Ms. Cabello. How are you doing?" Mr. Viggo was a good business partner of her father.

"Camila, please!" Camila smiled. She was friendly today. Her father and Mr. Viggo had known each other for a long time. They were not the best of friends but good enough friends to spend time with both in business and leisure.

"Okay," He smiled looking at Camila who had grown up, "How are you doing, Camila?" He had last seen Camila at her parents' funeral.

"I am good, Mr. Viggo. Things changed but's life," Camila said as they were walking to the dining room which was for welcoming guests.

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