Chapter 18: Not The Same At All

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Narrator's POV

Lauren and Normani finished their dinner and they moved to the living room. They did not open the champagne as Lauren did not want to. She had drunk enough the night before. They had tea instead. Normani was sipping her tea and looking at Delilah.

"By the way, I just got a chance to sit next to your boss and look at her closer. She looks like Delilah." Normani said out of the blue.

Lauren almost choked on her tea, "What? No..." She answered Normani without thinking. She did not get that vibes with Camila as when she was with Delilah.

Normani who was still standing in front of the painting continued, "Yes, look!  They both got brown eyes. Their lips look alike. They shared the same hair color unless the color here is not the real one. Is it real?" Normani was analyzing Delilah.

Lauren got up and stood next to Normani looking at Delilah as well. "Yes, it's real but No..." Lauren said no but she was looking at Delilah and imagining Camila. She tried to recall Delilah.

"Don't say you did not see it. They share the same colors. Does Delilah as tall as Camila?" Normani asked.

"More or less." Lauren simply replied to Normani.

"Do you think she is another Delilah?" Normani.

"What do you mean, Mani?"

"I mean, I never saw you're crazy over someone like over Delilah. So, I concluded, she is your type of woman."

"She is," Lauren said. She admitted she had never been crazy over someone like she had with Delilah.

"Camila?" Normani looked at Lauren.

Lauren looked at Normani, "No... I mean Delilah. I could see myself falling in love with someone like her. She's my kind of woman." Lauren smiled thinking of Delilah.

"But Camila looked like her?"

"No... Camila is skinnier. Okay maybe physically. But Camila doesn't have the vibes and the smile like Delilah. They may have the same eyes color, hair color, similar lips, and even their height are similar, but No. They are different, They have different vibes." Lauren insisted that they were not the same and did not look alike. Lauren was thinking to herself; the way Delilah smiled at her, the way she looked at Lauren, the way she teased and seduced Lauren without words were far from what Camila would do.

"Okay, so Camila is not another Delilah?" Normani asked again.

"No. What do you mean?" Lauren looked at Normani seriously.

"Not your type of woman like Delilah?"


"Are you sure? But she got a perfect booty, too."

"No." Lauren stopped. Camila did have a perfect booty.

"No, are you blind Lauren? Don't tell me you did not see it. You spend most of your time with her." Normani could not believe it.

"No, Yes... Mani, she has a perfect booty, too, but she is not Delilah and they are different, no... they are not the same at all, period" Lauren explained to Normani. Normani laughed, "Why are you laughing?" Lauren looked at her best friend suspiciously

The Dancing Girl in The Painting ** (Camren)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat