Chapter 56: Compatibility

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Lauren's POV

Considering Camila's comfort and safety, I decided to go with one of the resorts owned by her for our romantic getaway. Camila asked me to contact Dinah who would help me to contact the resort. She did not want to announce her arrival at the resort and she would love to see what I planed as a surprise. Dinah helped me to arrange everything. As her best friend, Dinah had free access to Camila's resorts. She was very supportive and she helped me with the preparation. She also could give some ideas to complete mine.

Dinah made the reservation under my name, She did not inform the resort that their big boss would come with me. Most of them probably did not know how the owner looked like. The resort was located by the lakeside overlooking the lake. Dinah got me the best and safest room they had. It was the suite room with a fantastic view of the lake. We also booked a room for Jason one floor below that he would be still close to us, to Camila.

Finally, the day I was waiting for was here. One week felt like a month. I could not wait to make love to my girlfriend. I wanted to make her first time beautiful and memorable. I wanted to kiss every inch of her. I want to touch and caressed every part of her with all the love I wanted her to have from me. I wanted to appreciate and adore her at the most intimate level. 

It was not the first time I made love or had sex with someone who never had sex before. I had it with Vero and some girls at school. I thought most of them were happy to have their first time with me including Vero. Some said it and some did not. They must like it as they returned and asked for more. It was enough to prove that they loved their first time with me. Unfortunately, there was one girl that I could not help with the first time. We just did not fit in. We were disappointed but we got over it in the end. Most of the time, I had good sex, but sometimes it was just okay, sometimes it could be a bad time but rarely happened. It depended on who I met and how the atmosphere was built.

I was certain Camila and I would fit in well. I knew it from the way she made me felt every time we kissed. It excited me a lot and I could not stop kissing her. I knew I aroused her as well every time our kiss got passionate. She could not control herself for the first week, but she was getting better now. She knew how to control herself better and not to get carried away. I wanted to make her feel loved in every possible way including in bed. I wanted us to be compatible in every possible way.


I parked my car and went inside the house. I went to the breakfast room, Camila, Sofia, and Dinah were having their breakfast.

"Good morning!" I greeted them when I entered the room.

"Good morning, Lauren!"

I hugged and kissed Camila's head before taking a seat next to her.

"Lauren," Sofia called me.

"Yes, Sofi." I looked at her who was smiling. 

"May I ask something?"

"Yes, you may."

"Where are you going to take Kaki to?" She asked. I knew she would ask.

"Did not she tell you?" I looked at Camila who was smiling but did not look at us but her food.

"No, Kaki said. She did not know."

"It's a trip out of the city," I replied to her. 

"Where to?" She would not stop easily.

"Well, I can't tell you."

"Why?" She was asking me with her sweetest smile. 

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