Chapter 50: Only One Date

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Narrator's POV

It was four-thirty in the afternoon. Lauren and Camila went back to Camila's place after they watched the show. They settled in one of the family rooms watching a random show. Mrs. Harris had prepared afternoon tea for them.

"You can eat the cookies now." Lauren teased Camila. Camila did not eat much in general. Lauren did not let her ate cookies earlier as she wanted Camila to enjoy their lunch.

Camila smiled and took one cookie and sat back leaning on the sofa. Lauren was sipping her tea when Camila asked her, "What is part three?"

Lauren put the teacup back to the table. She joined Camila who cuddled into her straightway, "you love cuddling, don't you?" Lauren cuddled her back and kissed her forehead.

"Yes..." she smiled, "you haven't told me."

"Oh, we'll go for dinner."

"We'll go out?" Camila did not bother to look at Lauren. She was enjoying the cookie and hugging Lauren.


Camila was a little bit surprised. She thought Lauren probably asked Mrs. Harris to set up dinner at home, "Really?" She sat up and looked at Lauren.

"Yes, Camz..."

"Okay..." Camila did not ask where it would be. She trusted Lauren and she was happy enough that they would go out for dinner.

"Or you want to have it at home?" Lauren teased her.

"No... I want to go out." She said with her head on Lauren's chest.

"Aren't you a homebody?"

"Yes, but sometimes I am bored and I want to go out." Camila did not say that she preferred her first date going out for dinner to staying at home.

"Okay..." Lauren knew.


They shared a few lazy kisses before they drifted off. They both needed afternoon nap, especially Lauren who had woken up earlier and prepared things. Camila woke up first and it was almost six o'clock. She looked at Lauren who was still sleeping. She ran her fingertip on Lauren's face tracing her face lightly. They had not talked about something serious yet until this afternoon. They had a light conversation during lunch and in the car. Camila was happy with their first date so far. She would love Lauren to stay over so they could spend more time together.

Her finger touched Lauren's nose and went to her lips. Camila was shocked when Lauren caught her finger with her lips. Lauren laughed when she saw Camila was shocked. Camila hit her playful on her chest. She took Camila's hand and put her fingers back on her face. She looked at Camila saying nothing and guided Camila's hand to caress her face. "What time do we have to leave?" Camila asked her.

"Seven, seven-fifteen..."

Camila got up, "in an hour?"


"Ok, I'll get ready."

Lauren laughed, "Camz..."


"Can I use the guest room? I want to take a shower."

"Yes, but you can use Dinah's room," Camila asked her to use the room that Dinah would use if she stayed over. It was on the same side as Camila's room.

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