Case 1: Dismember

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Chapter 1

"That... man... is about half a head taller than me. The chin is very short, like a double chin, high cheekbones, he wears an all-black hat, just a normal baseball cap, woohoo, I... I can't remember."

"Don't be afraid, think slowly, what do you remember about his appearance?"

"...The eyes are fierce, and the complexion is a little dark. I...I really don't remember. I was scared and stupid at the time...a lot of blood..."

"What other physical characteristics does he have?"

"His neck seems to be a little short and thick, with a hunchback..."

"Do you have a long beard?"

"Ugh...beard...I still have a beard, but I don't seem to have one. I can't remember...I really can't remember."

The witness was a 15-year-old girl with big watery eyes. She had just entered the city, but she was still not fully grown and had no formal employment contract. illegal child labor. She had long been frightened by what she had encountered before, and she was crying, and she only finished her words off and on with the comfort of the police.

The whole process of the murder happened in the early hours of yesterday. The whole process took place within five minutes. She was hiding under the pool where she was washing her hair. She was frightened by the blood and the dead. She only remembered that the murderer had a disgusting face. From the beginning of the case, that face was imprinted in her mind, lingering, all the features were clearly there, but when she thought about it carefully, there were only scattered fragments.

"If you draw it, can you recognize it?"

The girl nodded hesitantly, while wiping away her tears, she looked at the person who was drawing on the opposite side. The man sitting in the interrogation room crossed Erlang's legs and drew on the sketch paper with a pencil.

It was a young man in his twenties. At this time, he lowered his head and looked focused. From this angle, he had deep facial features, a high nose bridge, and a clean face. Even in a sitting position, it can be seen that he is very tall and his legs are slender. The hand holding the paintbrush has distinct joints and moves very quickly. It looks like wanton indulgence, but in fact, it has a strong control over the stroke of the brush. The second joint of the pinky finger is occasionally drawn at the pencil, as a just right smudge, not long after, a figure outline is drawn...

Just seven hours ago, at twelve o'clock in the morning, a vicious murder occurred in a small hair salon in the west of Nancheng City, which was about to close. A short and fat man suddenly rushed in and stabbed to death the proprietress of the salon.

The suspect took away the murder weapon, leaving no hair, only half a blood-colored footprint, and the rain washed away the other traces. The shampoo girl in the hair salon was an eyewitness, but the little girl was so frightened that she could provide very limited information. The autopsy found that several knives were stabbed into the abdomen, the liver was injured, and he died immediately after excessive blood loss. Other than that, there was not much information.

The suspect was not seeking money, and the various cash in the store remained untouched. The victim's social relationship seemed simple, but it was very complicated to arrange it carefully, and it took a lot of time to figure it out. The valid evidence that can be relied on is the little girl who can't speak clearly, and a video captured by a camera at the entrance of the hair salon.

But the video is too blurry, with only a blurred profile face of a man with a hat on. The murderer turned his head in the camera and turned to the front, still a moving black and white light and shadow.

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