Chapter 29

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According to what was negotiated before, Lao Jia walked into the interrogation room and closed the door. The sealed and soundproof door kept everything out.

Lu Siyu has been observing Lin Wanwan's subtle expressions. When Lao Jia was seated, he dimmed the lights in the interrogation room and said, "Then let's continue."

Lin Wanwan's eyes were withdrawn and she looked at him. She had met Lu Siyu several times. Whether it was in the hospital or just when he came in and handed her the water, he was silent most of the time. She only said a word or two, but now Lu Siyu and Lao Jia are sitting opposite her, but this little policeman is the presiding judge.

Lu Siyu's opening was fairly routine: "I want to talk about the relationship between you and your roommate, what kind of people are they?"

Lin Wanwan has been asked this question several times, and she turned her head to answer him: "Dong Fang is rich and generous, Ma Aijing is beautiful, and Guo Hua is hard-working. But they were very nice to me."

Lu Siyu looked at her: "but I don't think they are as smart as you."

Lin Wanwan looked at him, her lips moved slightly, but she didn't speak.

Lu Siyu continued: "Although Guo Hua has good academic performance, it is only limited to her studies. In terms of life, she is not smooth enough to deal with others. Dong Fang is careless and careless in her work. Only you, in this dormitory, your IQ and EQ are the highest." As he spoke, he sorted out the files in front of him and put away the photos of death.

After these few words, Lin Wanwan's expressionless face finally changed. Her brows were raised, and she glanced at Lu Siyu, showing a smug look.

Afterwards, Lu Siyu didn't ask repeated questions like the others just now, but like a friend chatting, he gave Lin Wanwan a multiple-choice question: "What do you think is more important, study or friends?"

Lin Wanwan was stunned for a moment and replied, "Academic er...friends are also very important."

Lu Siyu: "Do other people in your dormitory know about the medicine cat?"

He changed Guo Yan Yaomao's subject to "you", Lin Wanwan seemed to be still immersed in his compliment to her just now, but did not notice the rebuttal, nodded: "Yes, I told them after that. , they said they did a good job, but they didn't know if there was any medicine left in Guo Hua."

Lu Siyu: "In the entire poisoning case, apart from knowing the source of the poison, the rest has nothing to do with you?"

"It has nothing to do with me." Lin Wanwan briefly recounted the whole thing again, speaking at a slightly faster pace, but during the process, her voice was steady, without a trace of trembling. All of this is also consistent with what she has been interrogating today.

In the observation room, several criminal policemen looked at each other. If she lied, Guo Hua's waking up would bring her a lot of pressure, but she has not revealed any flaws, at least they have not found any flaws. Especially when Guo Hua was mentioned, her expression was very natural.

Could it be that the poisoning thing really has nothing to do with Lin Wanwan?

Lu Siyu was not in a hurry to continue asking questions. He had a feeling that this girl was playing with all of them. In her eyes, her classmates could not be compared to her, but why, Isn't she afraid that Guo Hua wakes up and pierces her? Thinking about the question, he sat up straight, and suddenly took out candy from his pocket, which he temporarily borrowed from Cheng Xiaobing. Lu Siyu opened one and put it in his mouth.

Eating in the interrogation room is obviously against the rules. Lao Jia just wanted to stop him, but Lu Siyu asked Lin Wanwan, "Do you want candy?"

"Well, what kind of candy is it?" Lin Wanwan asked. Her eyes were like small animals. Ever since Lu Siyu took out the candy, she had been following the candy, as if her soul was being drawn.

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