Chapter 177

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That night, the siblings, Dai Xiaowen and Dai Xiaoman, were detained in the Nancheng Bureau and interrogated overnight.

Dai Xiaowen was reluctant to speak at first, Song Wen could see that the child wanted to protect the organization he belonged to, until the boy confirmed that Dai Xiaoman was indeed here.

After a brief meeting between the siblings, Dai Xiaowen finally began to cooperate and confessed various situations.

Lu Siyu and Song Wen didn't go back at night, so they dealt with it in the duty room and simply slept for a while.

After a night of summarization and continuous interrogation by several personnel, all kinds of information have been gathered together.

What is now certain is that the person behind these children is called Yu Niangniang. She issues orders through the management of so-called aunts and uncles, and also receives orders.

Boys and girls are separated, and each separation site has a distinct hierarchy, and someone takes care of the children's lives.

They rely on renting and selling manpower for income, and the usual theft, begging, buying and selling, etc., are enough to pay off.

Rabbit holes for raising children have existed in Nancheng for a long time, but because the children live in the old neighborhoods around the city and are very vigilant to change their residences in time, even if one of them is discovered, it will not affect the others. normal operation.

Dai Xiaowen and Dai Xiaoman wrote down the addresses and the corresponding times of the two people's previous residences respectively. Since some of them have been around for a long time, they can only write a rough outline. Once they were in the same community, but in different buildings.

Ye Zheng marked all the places they had rented, and made a data model to determine that those rabbit holes were in an area south of Nancheng, and some were close to the subway line, which was convenient for transportation.

Among the many neighborhoods in the south of Nancheng on the map, stars are lit up.

Some are greyed out, indicating abandoned sites.

One of them marked with an asterisk is the place where Dai Xiaowen lived recently, but it is possible that the children had received news last night and moved out overnight.

Several team members who fought all night were waiting for Song Wen to decide what to do next.

Xu Youyou even raised her head and asked, "Head, what should I do now?"

Du Yong asked: "Do we need to notify the community and the nearby branch for investigation?"

"These communities are old communities with poor security and prevention." Song Wen looked at the map and frowned, "It's meaningless to us to find one or two."

Didn't sleep well last night, Lu Siyu looked at the map with energy, and whispered: "Our actions are definitely not as fast as the other party's news, even if there are no ghosts in the police station now, it is difficult to prevent and investigate. Information leaked in the process."

Now that they have caught Dai Xiaoman and Dai Xiaowen's sister and brother, the other party probably has discovered that something is wrong and is trying to find a way to transfer it.

If there is a new action at this time, it will only start the investigation. Once the investigation is started, the opponent will quickly dormant, like a swimming fish scattered, sinking to the bottom of the water.

When they try to arrest the rest, it will be even more difficult.

Song Wen stood up, leaned against the desk, supported his chin with his right hand, and said, "We have to think of a safe way to uproot these rabbit holes at the same time."

Criminal Investigation FilesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora