Chapter 28

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Time passed quickly, and at night, the weather became stuffy again, the air was full of stickiness, and a thunderstorm was about to fall. At 6:30 in the afternoon, Song Wen gathered all the relevant personnel for a meeting, and specially called Lin Xiuran who had just returned from the hospital.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became solemn. Everyone did not expect that just when the case was about to become clear, they were in a dilemma. There were no key witnesses and no key material evidence. All they could prove was that Lin Wanwan knew about Guo Wei's possession of poison.

What the hell happened that night?

The relevant case files have been read several times, and everyone is exhausted. Song Wen listed all the relevant information and derivation process of the case on the whiteboard.

On the left side of the whiteboard, is the derivation process and motive for assuming that Guo Wei is the main culprit. On the right side of the whiteboard, is the derivation process assuming that Lin Wanwan is the main culprit. In a corner below the whiteboard, others are written.

The one on the left is clear, but the one on the right has very little. Song Wen drew a question mark, and then drew a circle on Lin Wanwan's name: "Lin Wanwan's matter has not been investigated yet, we assume, if the matter is Unlike what Lin Wanwan said, Guo Wei was an accomplice, or Guo Wei had no idea, and Lin Wanwan was the principal, so why did she kill her classmate, and how did she use Guo Wei's chocolate and poison to kill herself classmate?"

Asked this question, everyone was silent, Fu Linjiang lowered his head, Zhu Xiao also leaned next to him, Lao Jia was a little listless, and Lu Siyu didn't say a word. They could not draw any conclusions from what they knew now.

Previously, Zhu Xiao quickly sorted out the testimony of the surrounding witnesses. Some details were beyond Song Wen's expectations. He thought that Lin Wanwan's frequent change of work locations might be a matter of time, or was dismissed by the boss, but During their investigation, they found that Lin Wanwan resigned for almost all the jobs, and refused to keep those bosses with salary increases.

This girl is like adding social experience in those stores according to her mood.

During their phone investigation, everyone reported that Lin Wanwan was docile, humble, and silent. It seems that apart from lying to them once, his innocence is unblemished.

"Let's look at all the physical evidence again." The case reached a deadlock, and Song Wen could only start sorting out the relevant evidence.

Xu Yao said: "Xiao Cheng, bring all the photos, let's go through it again."

After a while, Xiao Cheng copied all the materials and started showing the physical evidence pictures of the scene one by one on the slide projector. When everyone saw something suspicious, they would ask questions. After waiting for the photo to show the quilt that was being held by Ma Aijing, Lin Xiuran frowned and pointed to one of the corners and asked, "What is that?"

Xiaocheng zoomed in on the photo of the scene, and it could be seen that it was on the head of the quilt, with two oval brown marks. The two oval points are almost parallel, one horizontal and one vertical. about ten centimeters apart.

"Maybe it's the mark of the chocolate rubbed on it." Xiao Cheng zoomed in a little more, and now he can see it a lot more clearly.

"No, it wasn't on top of it." Lin Xiuran spoke and took a few steps forward, and called out the photo of Ma Aijing's death. At first, Ma Aijing's quilt covered the lower half of her face, and that position seemed more It is obvious that it is in a position not far from the victim's ear.

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