Chapter 61

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On the fourth day of the incident, Wushan Nursing Home at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Now is the gap period when the train passes, the air is as quiet as it is about to condense, and the gray buildings look like a dead city in the setting sun. Inside the abandoned building, there is a blue-yellow area, and you can vaguely see traces of someone living there.

Song Wen stood up, and his heart was relieved. As long as he found the footprints, he could conclude that Lu Siyu was nearby. But then he was a little worried. In addition to Lu Siyu's footprints, there were some messy footprints on the ground, and these footprints were freshly left. He walked forward in the direction of those footprints, and came to a corner, and the footprints went underground.

Song Wen hesitated for a moment, his forehead was sweating, it was the basement.

Since the age of seven, Song Wen has been disgusted by the dark underground and those claustrophobic small rooms. He should have the so-called claustrophobia. Whenever he is in such an environment, his body cannot be controlled by himself, and he cannot breathe. The heartbeat will speed up inexplicably. The blood seems to be flowing backwards, and the body is gradually chilling. He is not afraid of these, but it is an instinctive fear from the body, which is completely out of the control of the brain and thinking.

But now... Lu Siyu may be below.

Standing at the door of the basement passage for a while, Song Wencai settled his mind, and his concerns overcame his fears. He walked down carefully step by step. When he stood at the bottom, the light behind him was gradually engulfed by darkness. Wen looked at his cell phone, and just now there were four bars of signal turned into one bar.

In the distance, as if a train was passing by, there was a rumbling roar, and the ground was shaking. The sound was exactly the same as what he heard on the phone just now. Maybe at that time, Lu Siyu was a phone call nearby.

Song Wen tried to adjust his breathing, the darkness made him feel uncomfortable, but standing here, he became more and more sure that he was getting closer and closer to Lu Siyu, his heartbeat was pounding uncontrollably, and the time overlapped, he remembered himself again In the basement that he met when he was a child, sweat involuntarily poured out from his forehead, Song Wen pursed his lips, trying to focus his attention.

In the darkness, there was suddenly a slight noise, like the sound of clothes rubbing, Song Wen couldn't see the situation clearly, and tentatively called out: "Lu Siyu?!"

He didn't wait for Lu Siyu's answer, but suddenly he felt a gust of wind coming. In the darkness, a shadow flashed and launched an attack.

There are no ghosts here, but there are people!

Song Wen just came down, and he suffered from the loss of not getting used to the darkness here. He was afraid of hurting Lu Siyu, so he didn't dare to shoot. At this time, it was all based on the natural reaction of the body. One turned sideways to avoid the punching fist. When the two turned sideways, Song Wen saw that this person was half a head shorter than himself, and his physical fitness was not dominant.

In the darkness, Song Wen raised his knees and slammed into the man's abdomen, then grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it skillfully, the man groaned. Song Wen pressed him against the wall beside him, and reached out to take out the handcuffs: "Who are you? What's your name? Why are you here?"

His handcuffs hadn't been taken out yet, and there was another wind blowing behind him. It turns out that this man has a helper.

Song Wen listened to the wind in the back of his head, as if a heavy object was coming, he hurriedly blocked it with his hand, and a wooden stick that hit the back of Song Wen's head hit his arm. The thick stick body broke with a bang. Song Wen reluctantly stretched out his other hand and grabbed the half stick, and pulled it forward. When the man lost his balance, his feet retreated halfway. Step, get up and kick.

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