Chapter 111

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The meeting was held until a little after noon, and Fu Linjiang stayed behind to copy the materials with the second team, and continued to investigate the case in the afternoon.

Song Wen first took Lu Siyu to the cafeteria. In the past few days, Li Luanfang caught them by surprise, and after finally sending the old lady away, Lu Siyu was rarely lazy and didn't cook.

Lu Siyu wasn't too fond of the food in the city bureau's cafeteria. Gu Bureau delayed the time, and he didn't want to order takeout, so he came over and ordered two dishes.

The canteens in the team are all big pot dishes, and the master has a kind of ability, no matter what ingredients are used for stewing and frying, all dishes have the same taste after they are made. This cafeteria is generally ventilated. Every time the meal starts, the cafeteria is filled with this unique food aroma, which makes people half full by smelling it.

Several dishes were placed on the plate, and Lu Siyu was picking and choosing like a bird, eating the bean sprouts one by one.

After a while, Song Wen came over and sat next to him with emotion: "I didn't think the cafeteria here was so unpalatable before, but now..."

"In the cafeteria... what else is there to eat, it's better than being hungry." Lu Siyu said, looking at the food in front of him, feeling like he was facing an enemy.

Song Wen turned his head and asked Lu Siyu, "How are you feeling recently?" Although they lived together, Song Wen was still afraid that he would conceal military intelligence.

Lu Siyu shook his head: "Maybe the doctor is right, I'm more psychologically dependent on painkillers." Under the supervision of Song Wen, he recently took stomach medicine on time, and he has not had stomach problems for at least a few days. .

"That's good. I'll wait until this case is over, and then I'll take you to prescribe some medicine." Song Wen finished speaking, and magically took out a boiled egg in his hand, "I know that you dislike the food in the cafeteria, and I will give it to you and the master. Want a stir fry."

Lu Siyu reached out and took it, knocked twice on the table, lowered his head and wrapped the egg shell with his white hands intently, then he found that Song Wen was in no hurry to eat with chopsticks, and his eyes kept looking at He, he couldn't help but ask, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Song Wendao: "I think the expert surnamed Zhuang is far worse than you when it comes to analyzing criminals' psychology."

Lu Siyu sat up straight: "Don't say that, someone graduated with a Ph.D. in psychology."

"Isn't there a sticker of him on the Internet? It is said that he graduated from psychology from Yeji University abroad." Song Wen said, "I have watched some of his past shows, and many of them are inferred from the results. Now this The case is still under investigation, so he joined in... I don't know if it will help in the end."

Lu Siyu said: "His argument has some truths, but the derivation of the conclusion is very avant-garde. If you think about it for the better, it at least provides us with some other ideas."

Song Wendao: "Professor Zhuang is too normal. I'm worried that he can't touch the dark psychology of those criminals."

After hearing his words, Lu Siyu raised his eyes and looked at him blankly: "Song team, are you saying... Am I perverted enough?"

Song Wen realized that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly turned the words back, followed the Mao Lu Siyu, "For me, this is a compliment. It means that you are smart, solve the case quickly, eat more, and look back. It's up to you to solve the case."

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