Chapter 7

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   Song Wen just wanted to ask more details, but Zhou Yi Ning moved. He packed up the documents on the table and was about to get off work. His tone became relaxed, as if what he just said was just an innocuous joke: "However, that's just one of them. Maybe it's just my overthinking, maybe it's not that serious. Officer Song can listen to it as a story, but with a rigorous attitude, I think I should tell you that under this leadership, it's always right to guard against small things."

Song Wen thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry, Doctor Zhou, I'm still here, and no matter how abnormal it is, I'm just an intern police officer. I'll be jailed here, and nothing will happen."

Song Wen has a habit of envisioning the best outcome, and then the worst outcome, so that no matter what happens next, it will be between these two situations, and there will be no unprepared situation. . He rubbed his forehead, and the figure of Lu Siyu appeared in his mind. He looked like a little angel, but he might actually be a little devil. Although the current situation is a little unusual, he judges that he should be able to handle it.

"By the way..." Zhou Yining's hand paused, he no longer wanted to dwell on Lu Siyu's question, but changed the subject, "Tian Ming complained to me when he was doing an interview before, saying that he was under a lot of pressure. Team Song, before you His routines are deep enough, so let them go if they can."

"I even sent him a suspect today, how can I let him go?"

"Did you put water on purpose during the test last year? Let him think that you are not as good as him, and only use your real skills during the official test. This thing has become a problem for him."

Song Wen's mouth twitched, neither denying nor admitting it.

Zhou Yining continued: "It seems that Tian Ming is the one who cares the most, but in fact, you are the one who is the most nervous. It's okay to forget to sleep and eat, don't force your subordinates to do the same, others can't do like you. Your Being strong can sometimes put pressure on them. And covering up your inner anxiety with being strong is not a good option."

Song Wen spread his hands and refused to admit: "What am I covering up?"

"Your fear. Sometimes, fear is not a physical hostility, but a self-protection mechanism. I don't know what caused your fear, but I can feel that you hate weakness." Zhou Yining thought for a while and added He said, "These must be related to your childhood experiences. I think these emotions may originate from your father's experiences..."

Song Wen knew that Zhou Yining was suffering from an occupational disease this week, and the doctor was bitter, but he didn't want to hear it: "Forget it, Doctor Zhou, I'm not here to talk today. I haven't had dinner yet, so I don't want to drink chicken soup."

Zhou Yining said: "Song team don't be so rude, this is just a friendly follow-up to friends, and it doesn't charge by the hour."

The two were talking when the little nurse outside knocked on the door: "Doctor Zhou, your flower has arrived."

Zhou Yining shouted to the door: "Let's put it outside first, I'll come out right away."

Song Wen raised his eyes and asked, "Date again?"

This is not the first time he has encountered Zhou Yining on a date. Some people regard love as a remedy, and this Doctor Zhou obviously regards love as a necessities like breathing and eating. He is not married, but he has a lot of people on dates. No matter how busy he is with his work, he has to meet and live a sweet night.

"Love is the best way to study the relationship between human beings." Zhou Yining continued to speak earnestly, "Officer Song, let's talk about love too, love can make people better, emotions can change people, promote hormone secretion, regulate the mechanism of the body."

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