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She glared at him and he did too while their families just stand there looking at them tired of their every day arguing.

Aayan and Mahira are neighbours from childhood and their families had been friend for ages but these two have taken on themselves to never ever have a peaceful gathering or live peacefully. Their families had witnessed countless fight from stealing candy to adding something in the shampoo.

"Ask him to stop disturbing me when I am in university". Mahira yelled angrily

"Oh, yeah, it wasn't me who took my notes before class and hide them in girl desk". Aayan said smirking

Mahira rolled her eyes, "That doesn't mean you have to come at me when I am eating".

Aayan shrugged, "Well, I know you love food and I have to do something. What's better than putting a fly in your food?. God, I wish you hadn't seen it beforehand and ate it instead. Wouldn't that be fun?".

Aayan turned to his parents laughing who were not even there.

"Tell him it wasn't funny, Ammi (mother)". Mahira said turning to her mother who wasn't there either

"Ammi (mother), Abbu (father)?". Aayan called

"This is all your fault". They said at the same time glaring at one another

"I am done". Aayan said walking back to his room

"One day you will be sorry for all this". Mahira yelled angrily walking back to her own house

Their day went on with one change that now Aayan older brother (Shafiq) was going to be married soon. Their parents informed they will all be going to live in their mansion beside the mountains and to prepare for it. It was 45-minute drives back to where they live. For their university, they decided they cannot skip classes since this is their last semester so they took an extra car in order to come to their classes.

"Would you stop that?". Mahira yelled pushing her luggage inside while Aayan kept tickling her, "I swear I will kill you, Aayan".

Aayan sticks his tongue out when she removed her shoe-throwing at him and it hit his forehead.

"Ouch, violence woman is not the answer to your problem". Aayan said rubbing his forehead then he looked down at the shoe smirking at Mahira

"With you, violence is the only solution. And don't you dare Aayan that is my favourite shoe". Mahria yelled as he throws the shoe out of the video down the hill

"What is wrong with you, idiot?. That was my favourite shoe". Mahira yelled walking away

Aayan shrugged turning around to find his family looking at him clearly telling him what he did was not right.

"It was her fault". He said and his family just shake their head disappointed walking away, "It was just a shoe she can get another one. She has thousands of them anyway".

"No beta (son), those shoes were given by her father (Zulfikar) and you know how much she holds her father gifts dear to herself". Mahira mother- Fatima said sadly, "You know her father is never truly home".

It was true. Mahira's father was few days in and mostly out. He works in army which had taken him away from his daughter. Mahira never had a fatherly figure in her life he would send her gifts and somehow that had turned her to turn to materialistic things to comfort her. She had become strong and had been independent since she was young because she never had a man who will protect her.

She learned young that man beside her father will never be kind without a reason even if they are family.

Aayan felt his heart pinch a little hearing her mother words and he looked down where he throws her shoe at. He had always seen her struggle without her father as much as she doesn't show he can still see. When it was father day and she sat on her chair alone without drawing or celebrating. When she had to had a sign of her father and she had to say he was no more and only her mother is her guardian or when she was bullied about not having a father. Each and every step hurts her more than last.

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