24.4:"The last stone".

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Thank you so much for your support. This is the last chapter of this story  (not book) and I truly enjoyed writing this even though I was sick the whole time (hehe) but I managed to end it.

I hope you enjoy it.

Do let me know what you think.


"You look beautiful and bored". She heard someone say making her alert

She turns to a man her age looking at her from head to toe making her cringe and scared at the same time.

"W-What do you want?". She said clenching her fist

"Isn't it clear?". The man said

Momim looks around trying to find his wife because Hanifa said she couldn't. He asked Mahmood about her location and when he heard that there is a man near her, his step turns into a run.

He halts for merely a second in which her eyes seem to be searching around until they land on him. In that split second he finds the same pain, suffering and fear which made him take a long stride towards her as he wraps his around her waist placing his head on her shoulder glaring at the man in front of her.

He feels her stiffened body slowly melting in his hold and he smiles slightly. But when the man in front of him had the audacity to clear his throat his chest burn as he looks back at him angrily.

How dare he?.

"What?". He asked sharply feeling her lean more into him and he tightened his hold

"N-Nothing, bye". The man said running away

She sighs.

She can swear if it isn't for him coming on time and holding her she was going to go in a panic attack.

"And here I thought you were a tigress". He said chuckling trying to calm her down

She shrugged still enjoying his warmth. She finds that he is the support she needs in her life.

He knows.

He knows she needs time to pull herself back that is the reason he doesn't want to move his arms. It's either his hold building her back or her running somewhere to build herself alone.

He chooses first.

He will not allow her to be on her own. She had done that long enough.

"You know I thought you would actually go for someone better". She heard Zahra voice

She groans and he chuckles receiving a soft punch on his hand as she moves back.

"Why don't you try speaking to me directly or are you that scared of me?". Hajar said irritated

She really didn't like this woman eyes on her man.

Her eyes widen.

Her man?. Where did that come from?.

"Why are you red suddenly?". Zahra asked rolling her eyes

She bites her lips to cover her expression when he looks at her concerned.

Yeah, be concerned like it isn't because of you.

She shakes her head, "Probably because you are making me angry".

"I don't care. What I do care about is that I found that you never completed your education and that means you don't deserve to be in this party". Zahra said

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