40.3:"A good plan".

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"I guess you can come around here then". Jacob said shaking his hand but a little too tight, "Don't hurt her".

"Wasn't planning to". He said effectively without even wincing at his tight hold

"I will show you to your table". She said breaking their staring competition

He nodded following behind her to the same couch where she had tended to him the previous day.

"Is this planned?". He jokes

She frowns until she realised, "Oh, I am sorry. If you don't like it--".

"Relax. It's fine I don't mind". He said waving it off

"What can I get you?". She asked smiling

"How about a caramel frappuccino?". He asked confused because that's the first thing he had read on the menu and she chuckles at his confusion, "I am sorry I don't usually drink coffee".

"Usually or not at all?".

"The second one".

"Then why are you here?".

"I felt like having some today".

She nodded understanding, "How about the drink I made you last night?".

"That would be perfect". He said grinning setting the menu down, "And if I can have a sandwich because I am very hungry".

"Sure. I will be back in a few minutes". She said softly as she walks away tugging at her scarf

She went to work on his coffee just as she went in the haze the last time the coffee scent and the softness of it made her forget everything that's been stressing her all day. After being done, she managed to grab him a sandwich which she made in the morning for herself because none of the sandwiches available was Halal (permissible) for him to eat.

She wonders if he will like her handmade sandwich because most of the sandwiches are made by the chef who comes in after she left. She sends a quick prayer that he likes it walking to his chair to find him engrossed in reading a book.

"I thought you don't read books". She stated as she places his food on the table carefully

"I thought to try it for once. If I sleep through it here, it will be your fault". He said grinning, "Thank you for these".

She nodded walking away but her eyes remain on him. As he opens the wrapped sandwich looking at it for a long time until he finds bite down on it. She bites her lips anxiously as she waits for any kind of reaction from him. Then as if a switch went on he took another bite, then another and another finishing it so fast.

Woah! Either he was very hungry or he loved it.

With that thought and satisfaction, she went on with her work besides looking at him a couple of time. He was wearing round glasses reading the book same page for five minutes now. She finds his eyes getting heavier and soon he lays on the couch sleeping.

She chuckles shaking her head as she cleans the counter.

"Who's the cutie?". Avni asked as she had been observing her

"Um, he is someone I met today when I had a panic attack". She didn't like lying but she had to because if Avni knows everyone will know what she had done last night which is a death wish

"You had a panic attack?".

She sighs nodding, "It wasn't that worse. He saved me".

"So he is your hero now?".

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