21.5:"Solved mysteries".

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That week was a blessing to him because he did underestimate her. She is more compassionate and understanding than he takes her to. After his confession, she didn't treat him delicately but someone who is fighter instead.

He sits down watching her teaching Nour patiently. He can see from her eyes she wants Nour to be the best but  Nour condition wouldn't allow her to be normal like other.

But he can see that both of them sure know that they can try to be normal. Nour is super sharp if he can say she knows she needs to learn and she does, at a slower pace. But Dunya knows she cannot learn in a normal way hence she teaches her in different ways the doctor asks her to.

It shows many qualities of Dunya for him. He knows she will be a really good doctor and that is something he is trying to work on recently.

He heard the loud ringing of the door making his peaceful moment break. Dunya looks at him questioning the ringing and he shrugs.

Just as he near the door looking through the hole he sees his raging stepfather at the doorstep. He immediately asked everyone to stay hidden in their rooms no matter what.

They did exactly what he asked.

He took a deep breath opening the door to his whole family standing at the doorstep. They enter inside uninvited and he follows behind them.

"What is it?". He asked nonchalantly not wanting them to be here long

His stepfather turned his rage-filled eyes to him, "Who do you think you are?. You married without my consent and then you moved here just to continue your illegal activities without my notice?".

He can see that those are lies just to beat him.

"I can marry whoever I wish to marry and I don't need any consent from you since you are not exactly my family. I moved from your house to build my house and you should know better than to accuse me of things I haven't done". He replied as his years of anger started pouring out, "I have heard enough of you over the years just for my mother sake but I will not have you come into my life anymore especially when I have a wife and her responsibility. I will not have anyone who destroys the peace of this house come in here. I did what I should for my mother for years and it's about time I do a thing for myself".

His mother slapped him hard making him wince at the impact as she screams, "I didn't raise you to be like this".

His heartbreaks.

He feels the soft touch of her hand linking their hands together.

Holding him together.

He raises his head as tears gather in his eyes from years of agony, "Why?. Was I that hard to love?".

He cannot say the words he wished for.

"W-What?". His mother stuttered

"Was I that hard to love that you abandoned me for others?". He asked again as tears fall down his cheeks

He looks at his mother broken eyes as tears brimmed in her eyes.

"How dare you?". His father said raising his hand

He holds his hand from reaching him, "Leave my house right this moment. I don't ever want to see you and I don't ever want to see you around my family. There will be consequences".

He sees them leaving quickly but then finds his mother standing in front of him.

"A-Aashir-". She started

"I need answers". He said shortly

"I am sorry. I am so sorry". His mother said crying

"No. I want to know why". He said as he tightens his hold on her hand

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