40.5:"A new path".

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I am super busy this week and my days are very long. My university semester is a mess, my parents aren't well and my country condition is cherry on top.

I am thinking about ending this in one go in the next chapter because I don't want to leave my story for too long. I don't like doing that.

But, if next is last then it will take more time and I am not sure about when the next update will be. I will find time but I am sorry.

Thank you!


Jacob looks at Avni working gracefully through the cafe and a smile gaze his lips as he watches her every movement intently.

He had always watched her.

The day she walked into his cafe with her white shirt and black pants looking around with her doe-eyes in taking everything he knew he was gone. She was nervous that day and to this day she never changed. She is simple and beautiful.

He doesn't understand how is that beauty is associated with figures and models when a normal human can be much more charming in the way they truly are and not follow everyone else.

He had always been around her more often than she realised even Isra noticed his change. The way he was always at the cafe which he was rarely in. The way he started talking to her and never spoke to anyone in such ways. He started a tradition of bringing in flowers every Sunday for the ladies because he loved watching her grinning at him when he hands her the flowers. The list goes on.

"Baby". He said a little louder than necessary watching as her head turns to him with wide eyes as she looks around the two customers they have in early morning

She blushes.

He hides his smile biting his lips as she turns to the different counter with her cheeks flaring and he absolutely loves it. He had never seemed someone as innocent as her and he can't wait for Friday. He wouldn't have proposed a wedding this soon to her. He wanted to take things slowly like he had been in past years however he knows she values a relation that is stronger and would only be more comfortable with him.

He didn't want to offend her in any way. That day when she came in weeping with Isra he had almost lost his mind hearing such vial words that she spoke. She was a confident, young and amazing woman he doesn't know how and why someone would just want to make her life harder. However, the anger he felt was even worse he doesn't even know how he didn't leap out and punch the asshole who had made her feel dirty.

Well, he will do that for sure just not yet.

"Babe, you are not listening". He said grinning watching her glaring at him shaking her head asking him to cut it out

But it was so much fun to cut it out.

Honestly, he was nervous and he has no idea why Isra didn't answer his text all day yesterday and why she went out so early. He could have used some support and womanly skills.

He grinned standing from his seat rubbing his hand together as he walks towards her who was cleaning the table.

"Avni". He said softly as she turns around looking at him making his heart stop


"I-I am nervous so please just understand".

"Nervous about what?".

He bends on his knees in front of her making her eyes widen, "I know nothing went as we wanted or how you would have wished for. I wished for nothing more than to have you enjoy every moment of our lives before we set into something this big but since we have decided to go with it. I want you to know that you are the most beautiful woman in my eyes and I have always been thinking about you since you walked through my cafe doors. I am glad to have met you as an employer and employee and to finally have you like something even more. I want you to know that I will always cherish you, take care of you and be with you. Will, you marry me, baby?".

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