34.2"Deal, woman and newspapers".

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Is the hate from other is bad or the hate we have for ourselves in our hearts?.

She looks at him for a moment not realising that she is taken over by his presence and his beautiful face that seems to lure her heart to him in a few seconds.

"What deal?". She asked confused looking at her tablet then she looks back at him, "Oh! Do you mean finding you a perfect bride?. I can do it. Give me until tomorrow-".

"I don't want anyone else". He said stern

She frowns, "Why?".

"Why not you?". He asked again

"I told you why". She said looking at the beach frowning when she realised that it was getting late, "What do you want?".

"I told you I want you, do you want me to write it down or something?". He asked

"No". She said standing feeling her legs wobble as she tries to maintain herself from falling and she watches how his hand outstretched immediately to hold her however she didn't allow that, "I want you to leave me alone".

"Have dinner with me. I know you didn't eat anything since morning". He said with his charming smile that would have melt people not her

She sighs because now her headache is increasing with staying with him and she knows if she were to say hungry any longer her head will blast so she nodded her head following him to his car.

She didn't speak.

All through the ride, they stayed quiet while she remains working on her documents. She heard the car stop and then opening of her door by him as she stepped down feeling her heart leaping out at the mere sight of him holding the door for her. She shouldn't feel this way, this is wrong.

She doesn't deserve this.

She follows him inside the restaurant not caring enough to look at people or the restaurant itself. However, the place was completely empty which she knows is he's doing because he cannot be in public with a woman like this.

Yet he is doing it for no good reason.

"We can have this deal in two ways". Adam said as they were done ordering and her crystal blue eyes look at him curiously, "The hard or the easy way".

"I never liked easy ways so what are you going to threaten me into submission now?". She said rolling her eyes looking at the soft cloth on the table that seems to interest her with the design on it as she moves her fingers on it

He notices how the simplest thing can interest her even when the palace didn't manage to do that.

"I might". He said shortly

"I don't think it suits the Prince to do that of all people just because he is desperate to marry". She said raising her eyebrows looking away from the cloth but then look back at the cloth

"Why don't you look in my eyes?". He asked curiously

Their food arrived.

"Do I need to?". She asked shrugging holding a fork in her hands with no appetite

"I suppose so. It's weird when your beautiful eyes are focused everywhere but my eyes. Am I that bad looking?". He asked

"Maybe average". She said nonchalantly as she looks at her food hoping somehow she doesn't have to eat it

"You wound me". He said obviously taken back by her words

He wasn't average.

She lied.

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