36.1:"A fierce butterfly".

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I hope you all have a wonderful and beautiful day ahead of you.

Have fun my people! ♥️

Let's take another one of my babies on a ride. ;)


Heer wore her beautiful red wedding dress standing in front of the mirror looking at the young bride looking back at her. Her eyes held the innocence, purity and the simplicity that not many souls had especially with such dark souls around her. However, her heart was protected by her father who made her a woman quite young but her faith wasn't that simple.

It was meant to play its role in her life taking her to a roller coaster ride with fear, excitement, euphoria and the moment it ends- you are at your destination again.

She feels shy about everyone talking about her and how young she is to be married but she believes her father who was a wise man to protect her heart like he always had. Sure, he wasn't with her anymore doesn't mean that what he thought for her will supposedly bad.

The beautiful smile that lures people to her was plastered on her face permanently as she had always imagined for this moment for a very young age. Isn't that how it goes?. The dreams of marriage and every coming thing?. Those fairy tales of love that never exist?.

She was no less than a person who believed in them.

She was waiting for her uncle to come with the person who will read her Nikkah and tie her in this new bond. She was scared, nervous and excited at the same time not thinking about herself at all.

But the moment the door banged open so loud that it shook her body to the core was nothing that she heard next that shook her whole existence.

"He ran away".

8 years later:

Uzair taps his feet angrily against the floor because he had been waiting for an hour for the person he was supposed to meet to come and there was no sight whatsoever.

"It annoying". His close friend- Ibrahim said rolling his eyes

"What is?". He asked irritated

"You are". Ibrahim said laughing on his own joke while his face remains straight, "Chill a little".

"What do you mean by chill?. Do you think I am free enough to waste my time idly?". He asked angrily

"Maybe you should waste your time for once and you might actually loosen or I have a better idea find yourself a wife who can tight your screws for you". Ibrahim said excitedly

"Your ideas are as useless as you are". He said rolling his eyes when he heard the door opening and the doctor walks in

"Sorry, gentlemen, I had an urgent patient to attend to". Doctor Harris said apologetic and his old face wrinkling at the mention of his case

"It's no problem, at all. We were here because my father spoke to you I assume?". Ibrahim said politely

"Ah, yes". Harris said nodding taking his telephone calling someone to come to his room, "Grant me five more minutes until the person comes. I know your mother needs assistance so I think one of the members my team will be best for it since I have studied your mother case".

The door opens and in the walk, the breath of fresh air and his eyes momentarily widen looking at her but as she looks at him he immediately went back to his cold impressions to his utter surprise she didn't even look surprised neither there was a single change in her expression.

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