9.4:"One and only choice"

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Mahr saw her face pale he held her hand in his tightly. She looked at her father smiling at her sister who had shamed him.

"You forgive her?". She asked barely audible

"Of course, I did. She just did one mistake I cannot punish her for that". Her father said looking at her stepsister with love

Her heartbreaks.

"So, why are we here?". She asked strained

"We wanted to speak to Mahr, not you". Her stepmother said smirking

"Yes, we wanted to say that now that my daughter is here you don't need to stay married to her". Her father said

Her heart stopped.

"You can marry the person you were supposed to marry and leave her here". Her father added

His senses filled with anger, "What?".

"You don't need to stay in this relationship anymore". Her stepsister said smiling, "I did a mistake I am sure you can understand how a bride can get nervous at times and make a mistake".

"I am not marrying your daughter". Mahr said angrily

"What do you mean?. She wasn't supposed to be married to you". Her stepmother said angrily

"She is right. We have already looked for her groom already. He is here too. We wanted you to divorce her here and then we will marry her to him". Her father said standing from his seat

Mahr's eyes widen at the way they said everything like it wasn't anything. But, the thought of his wife marrying any other man angers him to no bound. She is not going to marry anyone else.

His eyes burned with anger as he stood from his seat, "I will say this once, so I hope you all will listen to me very carefully. Safa, is my wife and she will stay mine until my last breath. Your daughter is running, back or dying I don't care. I have the one I want you can fix your own daughter with the man you have chosen for my wife. But, if I ever hear you trying to dictate my or my wife live again the outcome will not be good".

He forwards his hand to her and she smiles holding his hand standing by his side. She looked back at her family still smiling sadly.

"I always wished for you (father) to love or at least care for me even out of guilt of what you did to my mother. But, not even once you ever apologise to the woman who had spent the last 18 years in a bed, all alone because of your wrongdoing. I spent 18 years with you wanting to please you in some way but you took my feelings and mocked them. Now, I had enough of you and your family. I will not stand still if you come breaking my house, me or anyone I care for. I will do as I please and I don't ever want to see you or be near my family".

Even when she said those words her heart pained for years she had worked in every way possible to keep them happy, only for them to break her in every way possible. She cannot believe them to stoop that low but she should have already figured them out.

"Are you ok?". He asked as they entered inside

She nodded sighing, "You said about my mother guardianship-".

"The paper is ready whenever you want to sign them. But, are you ok?". He asked again

"I don't know, Mahr. How would you feel to be everyone second choice?. Not even once, not even for you, I was first. I have been the second choice all my life and I am sick of it". She said crying

"What are we doing here?". Riva asked looking around to the amusement park

"Obviously, fun". Zeeshan said holding her hand gently, "I wanted to do something that we can remember for later".

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