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I know I have been away for a long time and I wanted to come soon because without posting here everything is so boring. I am still pretty busy with things but most of them are done.

Thank you for your patience.

How have you been?. Missed me?.

Just a disclaimer fasten your seatbelt this is going to be long emotional journey.

Also, please be aware that the things that will be spoken below will vary from person to person so be mindful.


"You shouldn't be wearing colour clothes".

"You should only wear white".

"Makeup is not for a woman like you".

"Your life is finished".

"You shouldn't be smiling".

"You shouldn't be talking so much".

"You should stay inside the house for the rest of your life and pray to God for forgiveness".

"You shouldn't be sitting with the bride".

"You should not do a job".

Maybe she shouldn't live as a whole.

She looked around to the decorated house with lights and flowers. She remembers when she was going on the same journey with the same joy that her sister's face holds now.

She wasn't able to participate in her sister's function because of her relative influence on her small family of three. Her mother, her and her younger sister. Since her father was no more everyone had a right over them and all their life decisions.

One was which cost the most.

Her own marriage.

Maybe, she shouldn't have listened to everyone and lived her life as she wanted and fly far far away with her family. If she had done that she wouldn't have ever met or stepped in this society again.

It was a mystery how the society works.

She hadn't understood anything besides that she had value when she was labelled.

Especially married label holds superior powers.

That one holds a different amount of value. Though, God had made it a part of our lives we have twisted it a lot more.

We forgot what he said before and after marriage.

All we remember is the colourful event and forget about all the others.

Education would be one of them.

But her father was consistent about her education until she was in college she had lived her life completely. She was a well-educated woman trapped in the endless cycle of dirt in the form of society.

"Appi (sister), I want you at my wedding and that's it. You didn't come to any of my function even after doing everything (financially and physically) why is that you can't join?". Emaan said crying

She hugged Emaan tightly whispering, "You know why".

Emaan sniffed, "No, I don't care if you are not married anymore and people think you are bad. You were my sister first and you raised me when father went away. I want you at my wedding".

"She will be there". Their mother- Aniya said

The day she had to send her sister away arrived in full swing to say she was nervous was an understatement. She hadn't been to function in a long time and she wasn't even sure how worse it's going to be.

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