Bonus chapter: "Zain and Zeenat"

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Thank you so much for all your support and honestly I am so glad that I took this risk of writing this story. I am honestly happy that everyone grasp the message from the chapter.

Also, I should have said this sooner but if someone deals with such situations or anything similar I hope it all gets better. And if I hurt your feeling or anything I am sorry.

I did my research on this topic and grasp the others form around me. So, If I did something to hurt anyone I do sincerely apologise.

Enjoy the treat ♡.

She looks at her laptop as her eyes threatened to close down at any given moment now. She had her last semester, last assignment going om and she has to say that it was worse than all the other she had faced. Then again, once those semesters went away only then they seem easy.

Nothing was ever easy.

Just as her life, if someone told her in her time in jail that her life will take such drastic changes she would have laughed, maybe. Because she always knew her life was unpredictable. Her life held pain, suffering and longing.

But, it all comes down to having something precious in her life. Or should she say two precious people in her life?

Amaal and Zain.

They both came at unexpected times and mostly in her worse phases. She was walking on a thin line and they grab her hand making her walk on a different path. If she does think none of them truly pushed her to any path rather they stayed there while she made her path.

Her path was her own.

Her husband was the best thing that happened to her life. She couldn't have asked for a blessing better than him. After their marriage, he never pushed himself on her and understand her fear. He helped her through those fear and somehow it he allowed her to always take a step towards him rather him pushing his steps towards her.

He stayed.

And she ran to him.

From the simplest and purest touch that only he had taught her that they do exist in life to their being one. She had to say she was nervous and people around her started pressuring her into having a child and the continue studies and her life. She has no idea why people need to interfere in spouse matter?. However, she realises there was no her life or his life- they were one.

Though they were two different individual and more when it comes down to family- they were not two but one. So, she didn't hide away from her husband that she was being forced rather she told him and they talked it out. She wasn't ready and he would never force her into anything. He wanted her to focus on studies and they already had a child to look after.

Amaal had had him wrapped around her finger. She had to force Zain to leave Amaal with her because when she works late on her assignment Zain always shut her alarm down, close the curtain, cook breakfast, prepare Amaal for the day and takes her with him.

It's been four years of their marriage and Amaal was five years old.

She had seen Amaal growing into a beautiful child with the love she was blossoming into and she couldn't be more glad. She always wanted the best for Amaal which is the exact same interest of Zain. He was overprotective of her and he didn't trust anyone with her- no matter how close they are. If they went to the family gathering he always kept Amaal with him not wanting her to have any harm.

That doesn't mean that he had stopped Amaal from ever having fun. But having fun and placing limits is just as important and different things. Limits needed to be set so she grows into a beautiful woman who understands, care and is compassionate about things around her.

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