34.7:"Greed, guilt and their love".

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A/N: And another goodbye to these characters :").

I have been thinking about bonus chapter but that can take some time to write, so what do you think?.

Sorry if you received notifications again and again. My wattpad crashed.

Thank you so much for all your support. I absolutely love you all. An early update for all of your love for me and them.



"He is yours. You cannot let her have him". Her mother screamed as she throws everything in her room around

"Did you see him looking at her?. The way he looks at her. He loves her". She screamed throwing the vast in the glass table

"So what?. You have to win his love. Your love is strong enough, you can do anything. Even if you have to snatch it. Do it. It's your love". Her mother consoles her broken heart

The party continues with the guests starting to leave. And the only family remain was her and his (Malik) family. Her sister mingles with Malik and the love between them can be seen by anyone.

Malik was in the same batch as Izra. He was her classmate and she has liked him since she first shifted to this new house after her mother marriage. When she had no one and she hated Huda the only one who brings her comfort and a little ease to her burning heart was Malik.

Malik was her first love.

However, Malik always used to talk about Huda and her likes and dislikes. His mind was filled with only Huda. She hated it which means she hurt Huda more.

Malik turned eighteen a few days before Izra while Huda remains 16.

She stands in the top of the stairs watching Huda giggling at something Malik said to her and the blush adorning her cheeks. The softness and the gentleness of her nature can be felt even from far. The love in her eyes and the replicate feelings from the one she loves burns Izra inside.

Huda turns to look at her glaring eyes and she said something walking towards the stairs. The more steps she takes towards Izra the more the words get louder over her own rational thoughts.

He is yours.

He is your love.

Snatch it.

Your love.

Snatch it.

You have to do it.

Snatch it.

And she did.

She snatched her love right from her sister hands throwing her down the stairs as she screams until her scream disappeared and the shouting of everyone started.

"What did you do to her?. How could you do that?. You are a monster. I hate you. I hate you, Izra. I never want to see your face again. I will never forgive you. You are a murderer. You are a murderer".

Were the words from Malik for her. After years of loving him- he left with nothing but hate in his heart for her.

Feeding children every single demand is feeding them with poison (greed for more). Greed is the worse humans trait that will never fulfil no matter how much they have. To make them have everything they want without making them realising what and how much they cost is making them inhumane. Today, it's just a toy, tomorrow it will turn them into a monster who wants everything.

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