17.3:"Real beauty".

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"H-Help me". He heard her scared voice

In seconds he was on his feet running outside followed by his guards as he ordered them around. He knew he would be too late to reach no matter what since she lived far so he called her security, manager and police before he could be there for her.

His heart shattered as he entered her apartment looking around the broken pieces lying around the house. He had only once seen her apartment when he left his daughter here for a day.

Now, it was just a mess. Nothing beautiful.

He heard crying from a distance and random people walking around until he saw her taking small steps looking down and covered in white shawl towards him. He saw the tears freely falling down her face.

"Jannat?". He said cautiously

Her stepped halted as she looked at him but his heart stopped as he saw the red marks on her neck and he wasn't even sure what it was about and imagining the thought of being late to reach her.

He walked beside her entering his house after being through the long investigation with the police. Since they both were known figure and his connections they were able to pass the investigation sooner but the media they had to face was not conscious at all.

He heard all their absurd questions almost having him yell at them but his guards took them away, thankfully.

She walked shallow towards the lounge that he directed not sure of what she should be doing. All she wanted to do was to feel some comfort but she had no one to feel any.

"Aunty". She heard Daneen saying

She looked at her smiling a little as she hugged her.

"She will sleep with you tonight". He said softly

He walked outside after searching for her in the whole house. He saw her sitting on the bench outside with her knees to her chest and hands around her legs.

He slowly walked closer to her but as she heard her steps she shrieks looking at him scared causing his heart to clench.

"It's me. Sorry! I scared you". He said taking a seat beside her

"N-No, I am fine". She stuttered

"No, you are not". He said firm

"Daneen was good to help but-". She started

"I understand. It's ok". He said softly

She nodded.

"Who was he?". He asked

"Bad luck". She said sniffing

He didn't say anything because he didn't want to cross his own limits but just stayed with her while she cried.

She watched her phone ringing for the hundredth time. She knows everyone was having a great day with new news they have. Everyone wanted one look and one word from her to have their page, channel and more to become the most popular one.

Her manager had been coming in the house for a week asking her to give the interview and making stories but she had denied going anywhere.

All she did was stay.

He walked inside finding her looking at the TV screen blankly.

He sighs.

He had seen her going to worse and heard everything that had been going around. He knows the people are going to not stop this ever.

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