21.2:"More Mysteries".

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If he can punch something he would but he didn't want to end in trouble anymore.

He once went to the cafeteria when he clearly doesn't like going following her. Just to find her hugging Azhar tightly which made him so angry that he would have killed him.

Thank the Lord he didn't.

It wouldn't look good if he punches her brother right?.

He sits in the class watching her scribbling the notes and the free time she draws something on her book. He had been noticing her usually drawing at different times to pass her time. He really wanted to see what she is making but he couldn't.

"You are my partner for the whole year". He said softly watching her shriek a little probably because she was concentrated on the drawing," Also, here".

He passes her the notes he did all weekend locked in his room specifically for her.

She looks down at them frowning, "What is this?".

"The work that you missed. You don't have to copy and waste time. Keep these instead". He said smiling

He sees her smiling a little and he can swear his heart stopped right then. When she turns to look in his eyes he can see the sincerity in them.

"Thank you. I knew you can do so much better". She said genuinely

"What?". He said confused

"Dunya Akbar to the principal office immediately". They heard the intercom say

She quickly packs her supplies but the turn to him, "You can do better".

He looks down at the table it was just 5 minutes before this class ends but the whole time he had been thinking about her words.

He wonders if that day when he imagined her to be disappointed in him was she thinking the same thing.
Just as the bell rings he runs out of the class taking the assignment briefing as his feet take him to the direction of the administration. This place is pretty quiet and empty from the rest of the school.

When he near the place he heard the sound of soft crying. He walks inside the office to find Nour sitting there crying by herself. He stops for a moment and her eyes meet his. He immediately moves near her hugging her tightly.

"Bhai (brother)". Nour said hugging him

"Shhh. It's ok". He whispers in the gentle tone he never knew he had

After she calms down he pulls away wiping her tears.

"What's wrong?". He asked

"I was sick for a week so I didn't come to school. Because of that I didn't know my test today and the principal called Appi (sister) and he is yelling at her. My sister always cries when people yell at her". She said as more tears escape her eyes, "It's all my fault".

"It's not your fault, Nour. People are insensitive to others when they are in need of it". He said smiling sadly, "Don't worry. Your Appi (sister) is very strong I know she will hear those words from one ear and take them out from another. She will not like that you are crying so much and thinking it's your fault".

He sees her walking outside of the office with an extremely pained expression. He turns Nour away so she can compose herself enough to see her. He sees her taking a deep breath trying to calm herself down. The frown lines and the hurt on her face are still there. He can only imagine how hard it is for her.

His parents had been called many times.

He frowns at the thought why wasn't their parents here?.

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