36.3:"A crippled butterfly".

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"Look Uzair, calm down". Ibrahim said frowning at his vivid anger that even scares him, "I was just inviting her to my sister's wedding".

"She doesn't need to come". Uzair said taking long stride towards her pulling her away from Ibrahim

"Who are you to decide that?". She argued moving from behind him to stand between the two men, "I will come to your sister wedding, for sure".

"Don't even-". He started

"When is the wedding?". She asked cutting him off

"In a week". Ibrahim said grinning and Uzair was so close to snap his neck, "I have your number so I will send you all the details".

"Why do you have her number?". Uzair asked angrily

"Because I can". Ibrahim said confidently- if he were to die at least he should look cool

"You-". He started

"Perfect! Please send me the details. I will come". She said smiling

Uzair glares hard on her petite figure and his eyes narrow when he finds her in a white shirt and black pants. He almost felt like taking her back inside and away from Ibrahim charms but he decided he can simply take Ibrahim out instead.

"Get out". He ordered Ibrahim

"I will wait for you". Ibrahim said running away like a dog was chasing him

She rolls her eyes shaking her head as she starts to take steps inside but he pulls her back towards him.

"You will not go". He said glaring down at her

She smirks, "Ok. I will go".

"Listen to me-". He started

"Why?. I have asked this many times already, Uzair. Why should I listen to you?". She said trying to free her hand from his grip, "Unless you have an answer to that question don't even dare to order me. I am not your toy that you can throw away when you like and then when you wish to play again you take it back".

She sits with his mother looking through the magazine.

"I was wondering how long do you think a person needs time to heal?". She asked sincerely, "Honestly! After everything that went down and continues to go further down, I used to hold this grudge in my heart and my brain used to ask me to continue living in this pain because that is how it's supposed to be. That I have given a painful life to live in and somehow I don't deserve to be happy because every time I am happy it only ends worse".

She sighs leaning in the couch, "Then I started to think that everything that went down wasn't ever my fault and things were supposed to be taken from us. We are told about death from the day we are born and that souls belong to Him so why is that we hold onto the souls that went away torturing ourselves?".

She continued after a long moment, "I realised the one who was to leave was their destiny however they have left me behind to make my own life. I understand that all the pain, hate and grudge I was holding onto with my life was nothing but my way of dealing with everything. I started by forgiving everyone. I went to my father grave telling him that I will live a beautiful life for him. Then, I started my own new life. 8 years later, here I am in front of you. Isn't 8 years enough time to grief?".

She looks at his mother as her own eyes filled with tears at the thought of her father leaving her in this world.

"It was a scary world and it continued to scare me more. That doesn't mean I stopped living. It just meant that I start fighting now. He stays in my heart, I often cry for him but that doesn't stop my life from moving on. I keep him safe in my heart, wrapped around my heart like my shield. But, I just keep on moving". She said holding his mother hand, "If I had a mother I would have shared my pain with her even if she can't help me. We could have cried together and healed our heart together. We need our mother for emotional support and I learned that not having one caused me to be unstable for a long time".

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