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"Meri Jaan (my life), sleep well". She whispers lovingly

She walked towards the emergency room leaving the children's ward when she was called for a patient. Her team joined her giving her the details. She stopped just outside the door when she heard a mother crying her name.

"Please, save my son". His mother cried

She worked for five straight hours standing on her legs trying to save a patient who placed himself in this position himself. He collapsed five times during the surgery but each time he was back. She realised she needed to save this patient and prayed that she does.

"So, why was he here?". Her colleague asked curiously

"I have no idea". She replied

"Come on, Maha, you know by supplying a little information about him in media, that is going crazy outside our hospital gate, will have you make fortune". Her colleague, Nadiya said gleefully

She sighs.

After being done with writing and hiding his reports she had a session with her supervisor at how she treated a VIP patient like a normal person. For her, the doctor isn't meant to differentiate so she heard from one side and remove from another.

"Could you explain to us about his health?". His father asked as she walked out hearing a lecture

She nodded asking them to follow her to her cabin. They sat down and she saw how both the man and the woman were aged. The wrinkle was visible and their eyes were tired and red (crying). She felt her heart clench at the pain they had to go through.

"Your son is fine". She said watching them relaxed," He collapsed about five times but he managed to come back each time. We will have to keep him under sedatives and observation because he had committed suicide. The patient are highly sensitive when they see their tries fails. I had him drugged for a day so he heals a little. But, I suggest he stays here until his mind clear".

She saw his mother stressed face, "What do you suggest?".

"It may be not be approved but I would say to transfer him to children's ward. I know, I know, he is a VIP patient and we have special accommodation for them I promise he will not be treated less but he doesn't need the luxuries at the moment. He needs hope". She explained

The next day, he opened his eyes only to shut them not wanting to open them because he knows if he can open them means he had to face the world again. A world without her and with her pain.

"Is he going to open his eyes?". Some little voice said

"I saw his eyes on the internet they were pretty. I want to see them". Another sweet voice said

"So, ask him to open them". Another said

"But, I am shy". The sweet voice replied

"Kids, I told you not to sit on his bed". Someone else gentle voice said

"I swear, Appi (sister), I saw him opening his eyes". The sweet voice said

He opened his eyes hearing children voices he frowns looking at the children faces hovering over him. There were 2 boys (Azhar, Momin) and a young girl (Anabia).

"Woah! Your eyes are more pretty than in picture". Anabia said grinning shyly

"You searched for his eyes on the internet?". Azhar said irritated

Anabia crossed her tiny arms over her chest," Appi (Sister), said he was special".

His eyes turned to the older woman and saw her cheeks turning a little pink as she took the children down from his bed.

The Tales of love- IΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα